
ESLint shareable config for the Liferay JavaScript Style

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ESLint shareable config for the Liferay JavaScript style guide.


$ npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-config-liferay


Once the eslint-config-liferay package is installed, you can use it by specifying liferay in the extends section of your ESLint configuration.

module.exports = {
	extends: ['liferay'],


For React projects, you can extend liferay/react instead:

module.exports = {
	extends: ['liferay/react'],


For legacy projects inside liferay-portal that use metal-jsx, we have a "metal" preset:

module.exports = {
	extends: ['liferay/metal'],

Use this preset to stop ESLint from spuriously warning that variables that are used as JSX components are unused.


In liferay-portal itself we extend the liferay/portal preset instead, which activates some additional rules specific to liferay-portal. See the eslint-plugin-liferay-portal section below for more details.

This extension is applied automatically by liferay-npm-scripts, so you don't have to configure it explicitly.

An important disclaimer about the use of ESLint in liferay-portal

JavaScript code that appears inline inside JSP files and other templates is not currently checked by ESLint. Our long-term strategy is to move as much code as possible out of JSP and into React components, but in the interim, our only option is to rely on liferay-portal's existing source formatter for those files.

Copyright headers

The included eslint-plugin-notice plug-in can be used to enforce the use of uniform copyright headers across a project by placing a template named copyright.js in the project root (for example, see the file defining the headers used in eslint-config-liferay itself).

Base rules

Rule or preset Where we use it Notes
eslint-config-prettier liferay Preset that turns off ESLint rules that conflict with Prettier
eslint:recommended liferay Preset bundled with ESLint
default-case liferay #30
liferay-portal/no-explicit-extend liferay/portal #54
liferay-portal/no-global-fetch liferay/portal #62
liferay-portal/no-metal-plugins liferay/portal #61
liferay-portal/no-react-dom-render liferay/portal #71
liferay-portal/no-side-navigation liferay/portal #44
liferay/destructure-requires liferay #94
liferay/group-imports liferay #60
liferay/imports-first liferay #60
liferay/no-absolute-import liferay #60
liferay/no-duplicate-imports liferay #60
liferay/no-dynamic-require liferay #60
liferay/no-it-should liferay #43
liferay/no-require-and-call liferay #94
liferay/padded-test-blocks liferay #75
liferay/sort-imports liferay #60
no-console liferay #79
no-for-of-loops/no-for-of-loops liferay #30
no-only-tests/no-only-tests liferay #22
no-return-assign liferay #30
no-unused-expressions liferay #19
no-unused-vars liferay #30
notice/notice liferay #26
object-shorthand liferay #30
prefer-const liferay #30
quote-props liferay #30
radix liferay #66
react-hooks/exhaustive-deps liferay/react Rules of Hooks
react-hooks/rules-of-hooks liferay/react Rules of Hooks
react/jsx-fragments liferay/react #58
react/jsx-key liferay/react #42
react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes liferay/react #42
react/jsx-no-duplicate-props liferay/react #42
react/jsx-no-undef liferay/react #42
react/jsx-sort-props liferay/react #58
react/jsx-uses-react liferay/react #42
react/jsx-uses-vars liferay/react, liferay/metal #42, #50
react/no-children-prop liferay/react #42
react/no-danger-with-children liferay/react #42
react/no-direct-mutation-state liferay/react #42
react/no-is-mounted liferay/react #42
react/no-render-return-value liferay/react #42
react/no-string-refs liferay/react #42
react/no-unescaped-entities liferay/react #42
react/no-unknown-property liferay/react #42
react/require-render-return liferay/react #42
sort-destructure-keys/sort-destructure-keys liferay #60
sort-keys liferay #63

Custom rules


The bundled eslint-plugin-liferay plugin includes the following rules:


The bundled eslint-plugin-liferay-portal plugin includes the following rules:
