
SUSTech CS314 Internet of Things personal class repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Final exam

5 questions only, all are short answers, closed book

  1. Defination of IoT, example to show how to apply it's feature
  2. WSN: layers, topology(star tree mesh), devices(end device, router, coordinator)
  3. Routing(proactive-reactive, difference, example)
  4. Interference(definition), two signal try to arrive at the same time, how to avoid problem (RTS, CTS)
  5. Big data (4V, meaning)


Environment detection & display

Phase 1: Build the TCP and UDP connection to the environment detect hardware and receive data

Phase 2: Add the data to local-based daatabase

Phase 3: Using SpringMVC architecture to deploy websites on Tomcat server

Phase 4: Introduce E3Charts.js to display line chart on the website