Documents and notes for a project on the National Business Park in Annapolis Junction, MD

#The National Business Park ##Part of a Tour of Monuments of the Surveillance State

The National Business Park is an office park less than a mile away from Fort Meade, Maryland. It houses offices of most of the major players of the defense contractor industry (L-3 Communications, Booz Allen Hamilton, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman) as well as some government agencies (which ones, exactly, are classified).

This is a collection of documents and resources for a project researching the architecture and lanscape of the seemingly banal office park as a lens through which to better understand the different players and participants in the defense contracting industry.


  • img: screenshots of Google Streetview and Bing Maps sattellite images, images pulled from articles about NBP
  • notes: tables on different buildings, notes on NBP tenants, notes on Corporate Office Properties Trust
  • docs: bibliography, primary-source documents