- 5
New names after parsing
#19 opened by semer94 - 3
Compilation fails with gcc version 13.2.0
#22 opened by mardam - 5
- 2
- 2
Adding `LHex2Cer` and `LHex3Cer` to the grammar
#27 opened by burlab - 3
LHexCer 18:1;O2 is not parseable
#25 opened by burlab - 4
Gb3 class is reported as "Cer".
#21 opened by dernesa - 7
Total.OH & LCB.OH counts are off and differ
#20 opened by dernesa - 3
rgoslin can parse `GM1(d18:1/16:0)` but not its normalised name `GM1 18:1;O2/16:0`
#17 opened by JauntyJJS - 0
LIPID MAPS Main Class for Deoxyceramide/Cer m/Cer XX:X;O is unexpectedly in Other Sphingolipids [SP00] instead of Ceramides [SP02]
#5 opened by nilshoffmann - 6
ACers do not work on species level
#16 opened by dernesa - 3
Some GSL Classes do not work
#15 opened by dernesa - 6
Some lipids are interpreted with hydroxylations
#12 opened by dernesa - 0
Dependency Dashboard
#3 opened by renovate - 2
data.frame vs tibble
#4 opened by michaelwitting