The PoC of MRRC release pipeline in Konflux Environment

To deploy this Demo to Konflux, please follow these steps. (Note: all following steps are experimented in Konflux env


  • Set up your personal tenant in Konflux env. Remember your tenant name which will be used later.
  • Configure your kubectl or oc client to access the Konflux ocp.

Create Application

To create application, follow the standard Konflux guide to do it.

  • From the Konflux UI, click on Create Application button. Input "konflux-mrrc-release" in Application Name field.
  • Click "Components" tab and then click "Add component" and fill details for the component with following inputs:
  • Navigate to Overview tab and see the pipeline run
  • Navigate to Components tab Ensure the 1st Build of your component and the 1st Test succeeds

Install EC, RP and RPAs

Setup config of cosign pub keys for signature verification

There is one task in pipeline which will verify the signature of the maven repo zip in oci registry. It will need the key to do.

  • Use the following command to create the configmap:

    kubectl(or oc) apply -f ./release/configs/cosign-pub-key-cm.yaml -n $your-tenant

Setup charon configurations and AWS credentials

NOTE: The charon configurations and AWS credentials will controll the real charon publish actions. Please BE CAREFUL NOT use the production configurations to test this demo.

  • Change the release/configs/charon-cm.yaml accordingly with your charon.yaml content. When you are done, you can use the following command to create the configmap of charon configuration

    kubectl(or oc) apply -f ./release/configs/charon-cm.yaml -n $your-tenant
  • In Konflux UI, click "Secrets" at the right column bar, then click "Add Secret" button to create secret as following:

    • Secret type: Key/value secret
    • Secret name: charon-aws-credentials
    • Key: credentials
    • Value:
    aws_user = $your_aws_user
    aws_access_key_id = $your_aws_access_key_id
    aws_secret_access_key = $your_aws_access_key
    region = us-east-1

Create Release CR to trigger the pipeline and see the pipeline runs

  • Change release/release.yaml.sample to release/release.yaml, and change the content in it accordingly.

    • If you follow above steps to test, do not change the in the content.
    • For the snapshot, you can get it by running following command
    kubectl(or oc) get snapshot -n $your-tenant
  • Run the following command to create the Release CR

    kubectl(or oc) apply -f ./release/release.yaml -n $your-tenant

    Note: sometimes it will report error which shows the release already exists. If so please change the to different one and re apply it.

  • In Konflux UI, navigate to "Applications" -> link of your application -> "Releases" tab. You will see the release you just created.

  • Click the release name of yours, you can see the details of it. And in "Pipeline Run" item, you will see the pipeline run. Click the that pipeline run you will see the result of the whole pipeline run there.

  • You can also check the logs of pipeline run and each task run in the pipeline by clicking "Logs"

More: Prepare the maven repo zip for testing

The above demo steps are using a pre-defined maven repo zip. It is published to with oci-artifact format, and signed with a self generated key-pair by cosign. If you want to test some other maven repo zip, you can follow these:

Use oras to upload the maven repo zip

oras is a tool to publish any files to a oci registry with oci-artifact format. We can use it to publish the maven repo zip to To run it, use the following command:

oras push$org/ \
--artifact-type application/zip \

Use cosign to sign the maven repo zip

cosign is a tool to sign any oci-artifact. To use it, you need to generate a key-pair firstly by following command:

cosign generate-key-pair

Follow the steps of above command you will receive cosign.key and files.

Then you can use the following command to sign the maven repo zip

cosign sign -key cosign.key$org/

And the will used to verify the signature of the maven repo zip by following command:

cosign verify --key$org/

This command is used in the task of "repo-sign-verify.yaml" as well. If you want to use your own key to test the whole pipeline, please don't forget to replace the in the secrets with your own.

Add the pull secret for charon image

In recent version, we have built the official charon image in konflux supported organizations in and started to use it in the pipeline. As it is a private repo, we need to add authentication to be able to pull it down successfully. Here are the steps to do it:

  "auths": {
    "": {
      "auth": "${your cli password}"
  • Use following command to create the dockercfg secret:
oc create secret generic charon-container \
 --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/your/jsonfile> \
  • Add above secret into your namespace's serviceaccount which can start the pipelinerun. Generally this sa should be "appstudio-pipeline". Please add above secret name into "imagePullSecrets" and "secrets" section.