
python project template python项目脚手架,可以快速创建项目,使用CIDI、conda、make、poetry、docker、fastapi、gunicorn、uvicorn、pyinstaller、pre-commit-config

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

python project template


Create environment

PROJECT_NAME = python-project

conda create --name $PROJECT_NAME --yes python=$PYTHON_VERSION
conda activate $PROJECT_NAME

Install dependencies

make deps-install
# development dependency
poetry add --dev poetry

# project dependency
poetry add pydantic

make help

make help 
help                           print help message
deps-install                   install dependencies
deps-install-ci                install CI
deps-update                    update dependencies
format                         format code
lint                           static code check
test                           code test
run-ci                         run ci
run-task                       run python task
build-task-exe                 build task exe
run-web-dev                    run web app dev
run-web                        run python web
run                            run main python app
dc-build                       build web_dev、web_ci、web image
dc-push                        push web_dev and web docker image
dc-ci                          run web_ci, end delete
dc-up                          run web dev app image
dc-exec                        run web_dev exec /bin/bash
dc-stop                        stop docker server
dc-down                        stop and delete docker server