Welcome to promptprocessing!

Table of contents


This is a prototype of a production system for prompt processing of ProtoDUNE data.


python -m venv venv/
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Configuration happens via .yaml files. An example can be found in config/local.yaml.


Prompt processing can be divided into three independent workflows: Registering new files, managing the job queue, and adjusting the batch quota to regulate the backlog. Each can be run as an independent cron job. An example cron config can be found in config/prompt-cron.txt. Install it like so

crontab scripts/scripts/prompt-cron.txt

Alternatively, the python script can be called directly

python run.py --workflow loop-all

Run in local dummy mode

Prompt-processing can be run locally in a dummy-mode with the help of a couple auxiliary scripts. Firstly, activate a data generator that spawns in deletes file in a specified directory, simulating the flow of raw data in and out of the disk buffer:

source scripts/datagenerator/setup.sh <spawnrate[s]> <lifetime[m]>

Next, start the backend of the batch simulator, SocketBatch:

python scripts/run_socket_batch.py

The last component is a dummy script that sleeps for a user-specified period of time and randomly succeeds with a user-specified probability. It can be found in scripts/auxiliary/analyze.py.


Unit tests can be run via

cd tests/
pytest -s