
Packages directory unreachable due to one additionnal directory

Closed this issue · 10 comments


I'm creating a multi project template following this tutorial and I'm encountering an issue with the packages file.

When I create my new project from this template, every project is placed under one useless directory.

	... my packages

Instead of simply having:

	... my packages

How can I possibly fix this?

Hi @sakuto The tutorial you used is a bit outdated. Because multi-project templates tend to be tricky to create @sayedihashimi has created a new template system which makes this easier. Try taking a look at this video he made

This did not worked for me, when the project is generated, all I have is an empty solution.

@sayedihashimi can you help with this?

@sakuto can you be more specific? What didn't work?

@sayedihashimi I do not have any error message, but when I try to generate the solution, all I have is an empty solution without any project inside it.

Build message:

1>------ Début de la génération : Projet : TemplateCompanyAngular, Configuration : Debug Any CPU ------
1>  TemplateCompanyAngular -> 
1>  TemplateCompanyAngular -> 
1>  C:\Users\Loic\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TemplateCompanyAngular\TemplateCompanyAngular>C:\Windows\system32\robocopy.exe "C:\Users\Loic\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TemplateCompanyAngular\templates\CompanyAngular" "obj\Debug\templatesTemp\templates\CompanyAngular" "*.*" /NFL /NDL /NJS /NJH /NP /NS /NC /E /R:1 /W:2 /XA:SH /XJ /FFT /XD ".vs" "artifacts" "packages" "bin" "obj"  
1>  Capacity MaxCapacity Length
1>  -------- ----------- ------
1>       192  2147483647    153
1>  Creating VSIX Container...
1>  TemplateCompanyAngular -> C:\Users\Loic\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TemplateCompanyAngular\TemplateCompanyAngular\bin\Debug\TemplateCompanyAngular.vsix
========== Génération : 1 a réussi, 0 a échoué, 0 mis à jour, 0 a été ignoré ==========

Generated SLN when creating project:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 14
VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25420.1
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
		HideSolutionNode = FALSE

Not a single project is included in my sln. If I check the generated VSIX, it contains a templates folder with the project.

I don't really understand where does it come from, there is no error.

@sakuto you're using pecan waffle for this right? If so I would try to get it working from a PowerShell command prompt first, and then wire it up to visual studio. If your project is open source I may be able to look at the code/scripts/config files to see what's happening.

I'm indeed using Pecan Waffle. How can I try to get it work with a PS? If I just try to run it I have error like "update-filename is not recognized like an applet command"

+ $templateInfo | update-filename (
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (update-filename:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Unfortunately, I can't share it there since it's a project company (and a company that would fire me if I shared something). :(

Here's a quick sample project where the generated project is empty, even if I do not encounter any error while the building phase:

@sakuto it's working for me, see
If you're testing the VSIX with CTRL+F5/F5 in visual studio I believe that you're running into an issue where the templates are not properly re-hydrated in the vs template cache. In these case I recommend running Reset the Visual Studio 2015 Experimental Instance from the start menu as an Admin.

Worst case, you can build the .vsix, install it and then uninstall. The underlying issue here is related to how the experimental instance is configured. It shouldn't be an issue for any consumers, just template authors.

Since this template was fresh new I think it's mostly an issue with permission on my computer. Will try it on my personal computer without UAC and see.

I've tested, it's rightly creating the project now, but when I try to build it, I encounter a new error.

In my .Web project, the packages are referenced to ......\packages instead of ....\packages. The first dot are doubled and I don't know why, can't seem to find the place nor the reason of why it's doing that.