A collection of Item- and Project Templates for Visual Studio
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ASP.NET MVC 5 508349B6-6B84-4DF5-91F0-309BEEBAD82D
#376 opened by jalvarez54 - 2
Bad char
#375 opened by jalvarez54 - 5
New Project Template Help
#378 opened by Bobisback - 24
The future of SideWaffle and TemplateBuilder
#401 opened by sayedihashimi - 1
Basic Scaffolder
#419 opened by DunnJM - 1
Update images in Wiki for multi-project template
#418 opened by alelom - 0
No images on wiki page
#417 opened by DiomedesDominguez - 1
Error after upgrading to v1.1
#416 opened by abmadmin1 - 1
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Visual Studio 2019 support
#414 opened by MagB168 - 11
pecan-waffle video
#379 opened by sayedihashimi - 1
IWizard RunFinished runs at wrong time
#413 opened by Pietervdw - 10
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Custom Wizard
#412 opened by softerj - 22
Visual Studio 2017 support
#400 opened by vitaliipanchenko - 3
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When new solution is created, it creates an extra folder level for the projects inside the solution folder, so original internal dll references are broken(not nuget)
#408 opened by barisgul - 4
[Feature Request] Rider Support?
#407 opened by HurricanKai - 2
Question: Create Solution folder and add projects when creating from template
#406 opened by aagarwal10 - 2
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Category folder only show "My Custom Templates"
#404 opened by cmoussalli - 0
Template not visible
#403 opened by apobekiaris - 0
Can't refer to ProjectName with itemTemplates when new project is created out of a projectTemplate.
#402 opened by erik3355 - 2
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How to preserve the folder structure?
#396 opened by mahima-gopalakrishnan - 5
Downloading of dynamic templates fails when git is blocked on corporate network
#395 opened by codewithtyler - 12
Error in VS2015
#370 opened by parekhsandip - 3
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ASP.NET Core Angular TypeScript project template
#367 opened by cveld - 7
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Visual Studio 2013 Crashes after installing Sidewaffle for web - version 1.21.400
#373 opened by subramn - 2
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Template with multi projects
#393 opened by NgageSoftware - 3
Create file next to *.sln
#391 opened by bednart - 1
Using Cake Build to Build a SideWaffle VSIX
#392 opened by RehanSaeed - 4
Self-hosting template missing
#386 opened by bluebaroncanada - 4
TemplateBuilder assembly removed form csproj file
#383 opened by shrey001 - 6
Cannot generate scaffolded item in Visual studio 2015
#384 opened by AudeR - 3
Possible to add a project template in two places?
#381 opened by RehanSaeed - 6
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add to every sample
#371 opened by lucamorelli - 1
Update publishing to the VSIX Gallery (Nightly Builds) to only occur on the master branch
#357 opened by codewithtyler - 1
Appveyor published to VSIX Gallery for forks
#354 opened by codewithtyler - 4
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