A collection of Item- and Project Templates for Visual Studio
- 36
Support for Aurelia?
#273 opened by mcquiggd - 16
- 2
Automate GitHub releases
#289 opened by codewithtyler - 4
Generating an ASP.NET 5 global.json
#294 opened by RehanSaeed - 11
Could not copy the file error
#317 opened by MCKRUZ - 58
- 6
Multi Project Template Building using VSIX with TemplateBuilder- Sample Project in 2015 Failed
#341 opened by sarchandra - 2
Multi-project template
#342 opened by mtranchi - 1
Build crx file in Chrome extension project
#353 opened by NN--- - 5
Comment out telemetry in templates
#350 opened by sayedihashimi - 0
- 7
Items not getting included in VSIX
#304 opened by BRM013 - 2
Add template for new issues & pull requests
#352 opened by codewithtyler - 1
.runsettings Item Template
#335 opened by RehanSaeed - 1
Update wiki for multi projects
#328 opened by sayedihashimi - 7
- 6
- 19
Angular 2.0 Support
#337 opened by StephenErstad-zz - 6
Web App - references missing
#323 opened by Macca2424 - 22
Fixing .xproj Artifacts Output File Path
#326 opened by RehanSaeed - 4
- 1
Remove the need for ls-NonFileTypes
#318 opened by sayedihashimi - 14
Nancy templates needs an owner
#347 opened by sayedihashimi - 14
Sidewaffle Extension for Visual Studio Code?
#324 opened by codewithtyler - 2
Typo in _preprocess.xml
#344 opened by mtranchi - 11
Multiple snippets within one snippet file issue
#306 opened by avishnyakov - 6
Requesting guidance with Dynamic Item Templates
#334 opened by peterpde - 2
- 4
SideWaffle-ItemTemplate-Basic may need updating
#339 opened by kentcooper - 2
Image file corrupted in the template
#274 opened by jckh1234 - 2
Basic Scaffolder
#329 opened by morgot37 - 1
Update build process to verify templates
#327 opened by sayedihashimi - 4
ASP.NET MVC Empty Project Template Issue
#322 opened by blink2linkme - 19
ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Project Template
#287 opened by RehanSaeed - 8
Unable to copy file illegal characters in path v1.3
#319 opened by MCKRUZ - 1
- 5
- 9
MVC5 Scaffold error when using T4 files
#300 opened by xfischer - 7
Unable to create ASP.NET 5 project template
#312 opened by msmolcic - 0
Create wiki page on how to change TemplateBuilder and consume in SideWaffle
#299 opened by sayedihashimi - 15
Not installing on VS2015 RTM on Win 10
#302 opened by andre-artus - 3
TypeScript Angular Templates prefix interface
#303 opened by StefanSchoof - 2
Fixing NuGet Packages HintPath's
#295 opened by RehanSaeed - 10
- 2
Project Template Logos
#291 opened by RehanSaeed - 2
Deploying other VS artifacts via sidewaffle
#292 opened by avishnyakov - 0
Support Visual Studio 2015 RTM
#288 opened by andreandersen - 0
Duplicate templates in Visual Studio 2015
#286 opened by codewithtyler - 1
Updating invalid TemplateIds
#277 opened by codewithtyler - 3
Missing Item Templates for VS projects
#276 opened by codewithtyler