
MultiProj - Visual Studio Error

jsheldon opened this issue · 8 comments

When attempting to create a new project from the MultiProj template I get an error in visual studio:

Error: this template attempted to load component assembly 'TemplateBuilder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. For more information on this problem and how to enable this template, please see documentation on Customizing Project Templates.

I've checked the documentation at:

But have found nothing.

Thanks for the report. I'm investigating it.

The reference to the TemplateBuilder assembly was somehow removed from templatepack.csproj. Can you try out the fix to see if it works for you as well? You'll have to restore NuGet packages before building.

Yes, this worked. No problems now.

Sorry I am not understanding how to fix this, I still get the error. I see where you pushed a fix but am I supposed to have to do something on my end?

@jjwilliams double check that the following exists in your template project.

  1. Reference to TemplateBuilder assembly
  2. Asset tag for TemplateBuilder in the source manifest file. Which is below.
<Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Assembly" d:Source="File" Path="TemplateBuilder.dll" AssemblyName="TemplateBuilder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

If you are missing the assembly then uninstall the TemplateBuilder nuget package and re-add with the command below.

Install-Package TemplateBuider -pre

I just had same issue (on Visual Studio 2015 Community) Sandboxed VS instance gets executed after Ctrl+F5, but when I want to create template it gives error above. I've manually added Asset tag to manifest file of VSIX project as well. TemplateBuilder.dll is placed in Debug folder of VSIX project.

Note: I've added a NodeJs project for the template and changed in _project.vstemplate.xml this: <ProjectType>Javascript</ProjectType>

@bogacg can you create a new issue explaining what happened and reference this issue? That way we can track how many people are having issues better.

I m having the same issue #163 I did everything I could to resolve the issue but the problem still remains the same.