Instant Message Service of Tencent Cloud. Download Image for Chinese Mainland:

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Notice: If you open a pull request in TUIKit Android or iOS and the corresponding changes are successfully merged, your name will be included in README.md with a hyperlink to your homepage on GitHub.

Instant Messaging

Product Introduction

Build real-time social messaging capabilities with all the features into your applications and websites based on powerful and feature-rich chat APIs, SDKs and UIKit components.

Android Experience App iOS Experience App

TUIKit is a UI component library based on Tencent Cloud IM SDK. It provides universal UI components to offer features such as conversation, chat, search, relationship chain, group, and audio/video call features.

Image Download

Tencent Cloud branch download address: Download

SDK Download

Native SDK Download Address Integration Guide Update Log
Android GitHub (Recommended) [Quick Integration] TUIKit Integration (Android)
[General Integration] SDK Integration (Android)
Update Log (Native)
iOS GitHub (Recommended) [Quick Integration] TUIKit Integration (iOS)
[General Integration] SDK Integration (iOS)
Mac GitHub (Recommended) [General Integration] SDK Integration (Mac)
Windows GitHub (Recommended) [General Integration] SDK Integration (Windows)

TUIKit Integration

功能模块 平台 文档链接
TUIKit Library iOS TUIKit-iOS Library
Android TUIKit-Android Library
Quick Integration iOS TUIKit-iOS Quick Integration
Android TUIKit-Android Quick Integration
Modifying UI Themes iOS TUIKit-iOS Modifying UI Themes
Android TUIKit-Android Modifying UI Themes
Setting UI Styles iOS TUIKit-iOS Setting UI Styles
Android TUIKit-Android Setting UI Styles
Adding Custom Messages iOS TUIKit-iOS Adding Custom Messages
Android TUIKit-Android Adding Custom Messages
Implementing Local Search iOS TUIKit-iOS Implementing Local Search
Android TUIKit-Android Implementing Local Search
Integrating Offline Push iOS TUIKit-iOS Integrating Offline Push
Android TUIKit-Android Integrating Offline Push

Differences Between the Basic Edition and the Enhanced Edition

  • SDK added the Enhanced Edition from SDK 5.4. The original edition is called the Basic Edition.
  • Both the Basic Edition and Enhanced Edition support V2 APIs. However, the Enhanced Edition no longer supports legacy APIs while the Basic Edition still supports legacy APIs.
  • If you have not integrated legacy APIs, we recommend that you directly use V2 APIs and choose the Enhanced Edition SDK.
  • If you have integrated legacy APIs, we recommend that you upgrade to V2 APIs and gradually transition to the Enhanced Edition SDK.
  • Compared with the Basic Edition, the Enhanced Edition has greatly reduced the SDK size and installation package increment.
  • Compared with the Basic Edition, the Enhanced Edition provides more new features.
  • Subsequent development of new features will only be supported on the Enhanced Edition. The Basic Edition supports only routine maintenance and fixing of existing problems.
  • Enhanced Edition Pro has been released from SDK 6.8 version which supports dual line acceleration on network layer and provides better performance for bad network environment.

Comparison of the SDK sizes

Platform Item Basic Edition Enhanced Edition
Android aar size 7.8 MB 3.1 MB
iOS framework size 57.7 MB 11.2 MB

Comparison of the app size increments

Platform Architecture Basic Edition Enhanced Edition
apk increment armeabi-v7a 3.2 MB 1.1 MB
arm64-v8a 5.2 MB 1.7 MB
ipa increment arm64 2.1 MB 1.1 MB

Guidelines for Upgrading IMSDK to V2 APIs

API Upgrade Guidelines

Latest Enhanced Edition 7.0.3754 @2023.01.06


  • Supported mentioning (@) group members in all types of messages.
  • Supported getting the total message unread count by conversation filter.
  • Supported the meta counter for common groups and audio-video groups.
  • Supported text message translation.
  • Supported custom attributes for community groups.
  • Supported setting the Huawei category and Mi channel ID for offline push.
  • Optimized the QUIC network reconnection logic.
  • Added the base IP logic for COS rich media file download.
  • Supported emoji characters in the file paths of rich media messages sent in Windows.
  • Supported emoji characters in the C++ SDK log and initialization paths in Windows.
  • Fixed the failure in setting custom conversation marks in the v7a architecture.
  • Fixed the errors in setting the height of thumbnails or large images.

TUIKit and demo

  • Supported gain control and AI-based noise reduction for TUIChat voice message recording.
  • Added the message translation capability in TUIChat.
  • Supported custom ringtones for Android FCM push.
  • Optimized the TUIChat performance in loading historical messages in iOS.

Latest Basic Version 5.1.66 @2021.09.22


  • Removed the feature of getting Wi-Fi information.


  • If you encounter any issue when using TIMSDK, please provide feedback on the problem to us so that we can quickly and effectively locate and solve the issue for you.
  • TIMSDK Issue Feedback Guidelines