Rates API

The Rates API provides an interface to fetch the latest and historical exchange rates for various currencies.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you through setting up and running the Rates API on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



The project uses Makefile to simplify the setup and running of the application. The Makefile contains various commands to build, run, and clean up the project.

Start Database Container:

The project requires a PostgreSQL database. A Docker Compose file is provided to run the database in a Docker container.

make compose-up

This command will set up a PostgreSQL server based on the configuration specified in database-docker-compose.yml.

Application Configuration:

Ensure the application configuration, such as database connection settings, are correctly set in the application's configuration file : config.yaml

Building the Project

To compile the project into a binary: make build This will generate a binary named rates-api in the project directory.

Running the Application

You can then run : ./rates-api --config-path config.yaml to start the application.

To start the application: make run

This command utilizes go run to start the application directly from the source code. Also it will start the application with the configuration file specified in the config.yaml file and the database container as specified.

Cleaning Up

To remove generated files and stop the database container: make clean

API Usage

  • Fetch Latest Rates: [GET] /rates/latest
  • Fetch Rates by Date: [GET] /rates/{date}
  • Analyze Rates: [GET] /rates/analyze

More detailed API documentation is available at open-api.spec.yaml.