Points SDK

The Points SDK allows clients to issue points for their users based on off-chain actions. It provides a flexible way to reward users by interacting with a PostgreSQL database. This SDK includes endpoints for registering projects, initializing points clients, setting and getting points for specific addresses, and filtering points by event names.


  • Register projects and generate API keys.
  • Initialize points client with an API key and campaign ID.
  • Set points for specific addresses.
  • Update event details.
  • Get event details.
  • Get points for specific addresses.
  • Get points for specific addresses filtered by event name.
  • Store points data in a PostgreSQL database.


  • Node.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeScript


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-repo/points-sdk.git
    cd points-sdk
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up your PostgreSQL database and configure the connection in src/db.ts:

    import { Pool, PoolConfig } from 'pg';
    const poolConfig: PoolConfig = {
      user: 'your_user',
      host: 'localhost',
      database: 'your_database',
      password: 'your_password',
      port: 5432,
    export const pool = new Pool(poolConfig);
  4. Create the necessary database tables:

    -- Create apikey_table
    CREATE TABLE apikey_table (
        api_key VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL UNIQUE
    -- Create project_table
    CREATE TABLE project_table (
        api_key VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL,
        campaign_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
        UNIQUE (api_key, campaign_id),
        UNIQUE (api_key),
        FOREIGN KEY (api_key) REFERENCES apikey_table(api_key)
    -- Create point_table
    CREATE TABLE point_table (
        api_key VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL,
        event_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,
        points INT NOT NULL CHECK (points > 0),
        address VARCHAR(42) NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (api_key) REFERENCES project_table(api_key)
    -- Create event_table
    CREATE TABLE event_table (
        api_key VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL,
        event_name VARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL CHECK (timestamp > 0),
        metadata TEXT NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (api_key) REFERENCES project_table(api_key)


Running the Server

Start the server:

npm run build
npm start


  1. Register for an API key:
POST /register


  "apiKey": "generated_api_key"
  1. Initialize the project:
POST /initialize

Request Body:

  "apiKey": "your_api_key",
  "campaignId": "your_campaign_id"


  "apiKey": "your_api_key",
  "campaignId": "your_campaign_id"
  1. Distribute points
POST /distribute


Authorization: Bearer your_api_key

Request Body:

  "eventName": "event_name",
  "pointsData": {
    "points": 100,
    "address": "0x123456789abcdef"


  "message": "Points distributed successfully"
  1. Update Event Metadata
POST /update_event


Authorization: Bearer your_api_key

Request Body:

  "eventName": "event_name",
  "eventData": {
    "timestamp": 100,
    "metadata": "Event's metadata"


  "message": "Event updated successfully"
  1. Get Event Metadata
GET /event/:event_name


Authorization: Bearer your_api_key


        "api_key": "DXaPANzG.N9pu.ac~I5vCMOX",
        "event_name": "test-event",
        "timestamp": "123",
        "metadata": "This is test event"
  1. Get points for an address
GET /points/:address


Authorization: Bearer your_api_key


    "id": 1,
    "apiKey": "your_api_key",
    "eventName": "event_name",
    "points": 100,
    "address": "0x123456789abcdef"
  1. Get points for an address filtered by event name
GET /points/:address/:eventName


Authorization: Bearer your_api_key


    "id": 1,
    "apiKey": "your_api_key",
    "eventName": "event_name",
    "points": 100,
    "address": "0x123456789abcdef"

Project Structure

src/authMiddleware.ts: Middleware for extracting API keys.

src/db.ts: Database configuration using PostgreSQL.

PointsSDK: SDK implementation with methods to register, initialize, distribute, and retrieve points.

src/index.ts: Express server setup with endpoints.

src/migration.sql: PostgreSQL table creation scripts.

Postman API Document

Absin API


For any questions or feedback, please contact us at leech.developer@gmail.com.