Dingdong, your program ends!
This little project was inspired by the projects of knockknock and itchat. It helps you keeping tracking the status of your programs on your wechat or any MQTT clients.
- pillow
- itchat
- paho-mqtt
git clone https://github.com/light8lee/dingdong && cd dingdong
python setup.py install
Just like the examples in test.py
, you need to add the decorator ahead of your function:
@wx_reminder(to_user='wechat_id', enable_cmd_qr=1)
def test_wx_correct():
print('hello there')
The default value of to_user='filehelper'
, which means that the messages will send to yourself, you can change it to the wechat id of your friends. The enable_cmd_qr
is to control the QR code in terminal, the detail please refer to here, the default value is 1
, you can try 2
when you meet uncorrect display of QR code in terminal.
You can also apply this project to send messages to MQTT clients. First, you need to start a MQTT server, here I recommend Mosquitto, and using the mqtt_reminder
decorator to publish a topic:
@mqtt_reminder(host='localhost', port=1883, topic='dingdong', qos=1)
def test_mqtt_correct():
print('hello there')
Here is an example of MQTT client to subscribe the corresponding topic:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
print("Connected with result code "+str(rc))
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
print(msg.topic+" " + ":" + str(msg.payload))
client = mqtt.Client()
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
client.connect("localhost", 1883, 60)
You can save this code to sub.py
, and run python sub.py
, when the test_mqtt_correct()
function starts and ends, it will automatically print the message.
What's more, you can download mqtt clients from APP Store or Google Play to subscribe the topic on your smart phone, so you will not miss the program status.
Author: Light Lee Email: light8lee@gmail.com