Apidoc (javadoc and scaladoc) support for the project documentation tool paradox
- 1
- 0
Directive is not able to find any of the classes
#128 opened by Synesso - 4
- 1
- 2
Don't fail when class is only found in one of scaladsl/javadsl but fqn was given
#48 opened by jrudolph - 0
Link to inner classes
#86 opened by ennru - 1
Allow manually specifying a label
#14 opened by raboof - 4
Tests fail on jdk11
#62 opened by raboof - 1
Publishing: fix new credentials for use by Travis
#63 opened by ennru - 0
Allow linking to javadsl classes but in scaladoc
#16 opened by 2m - 1
- 0
Switch from FastClasspathScanner to ClassGraph
#6 opened by raboof - 0
Broken last release
#7 opened by 2m