
An Objective-C database abstraction framework.

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

DatabaseKit ReadMe


DatabaseKit is an unbelievably straight-forward to use database framework for Objective-C.


In order to build DatabaseKit you need to download Postgres.app and put it in your Applications folder (This is where the project is configured to look for the Postgres client library)


  • Supported databases
  • SQLite 3
  • PostgreSQL
  • And adding support for additional databases is trivial.
  • Query composition done purely in Objective-C.
  • Table relationships.
  • If you use a connection pool(Done transparently by default) then query objects are thread safe.
  • If you provide a model class, then results from it's corresponding table will automatically be returned as instances of that class.
  • Almost no code required.


// Open a SQLite database
DB *db = [DB withURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"sqlite://myDb.sqlite"]];

// Get the names of every person in our database
DBTable *people = db[@"people"];
ARQuery *names = [people select:@"name"];

for(NSDictionary *row in [names limit:@100]) {
    NSLog(@"Name: %@", row[@"name"]);

// Delete really old people
[[people delete] where:@[@"bornOn < $1", [NSDate distantPast]]];

// Change the name of everyone called John
[[[people update:@{ @"name": @"Percie" }] where:@{ @"name": @"John" }] execute];

// You can create a class to represent results from a table like so:
[DBModel setClassPrefix:@"Nice"]; // You'd set this to whatever prefix you're using

@interface NicePerson : DBModel
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString *name, *address; // This is only to let the compiler know about the properties so that it doesn't throw warnings at you
- (void)introduceYourself;

@implementation NicePerson
@dynamic name, address;
- (void)introduceYourself
    NSLog(@"Hi! I'm %@.", self.name);

// And now if you perform a query
NicePerson *someone = [[people select] limit:@1][0];
[someone introduceYourself];

The examples above look even nicer when written in my scripting language Tranquil

q = db["table"] select: { @field1, @field2 }; where: { @id: 123 }
q each: `row | row print`

aTable delete; where: ["modifiedAt < $1", NSDate distantPast]

#Person < DBModel {}
someone = (people select limit: 1)[0]
someone introduceYourself