
The fastest, most convenient and most nonintrusive conversion between JSON and model. Your model class don't need to extend another base class. You don't need to modify any model file. Nonintrusive, convenient.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

Fork modification

Map automatically under_score case to camelCase

  "order_id": 104,
  "order_product" : @"Product#1",
  "order_price" : 12.95
@interface OrderModel : NSObject

@property (assign, nonatomic) int orderId; @property (assign, nonatomic) float orderPrice; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString* orderProduct;



  • The fastest, most convenient and most nonintrusive conversion between JSON and model.


  • JSON --> ModelCore Data Model
  • JSONString --> ModelCore Data Model
  • ModelCore Data Model --> JSON
  • JSON Array --> Model ArrayCore Data Model Array
  • JSONString --> Model ArrayCore Data Model Array
  • Model ArrayCore Data Model Array --> JSON Array
  • Coding all properties of model in one line code.

Differences between MJExtension, JSONModel and Mantle

  • Conversion rate
    • MJExtension > JSONModel > Mantle
  • You can also create a demo to test it yourself.
  • How to use it
    • JSONModel:You must let all model class extends JSONModel class.
    • Mantle:You must let all model class extends MTModel class.
    • MJExtension:Your model class don't need to extends another base class. You don't need to modify any model file. Nonintrusive, convenient.


  • Cocoapods:pod 'MJExtension'
  • Manual way
    • Drag all source files under floder MJExtensionExample/MJExtensionExample/MJExtension to your project.
    • Import the main header file:#import "MJExtension.h"
MJConst.h               MJConst.m
MJFoundation.h          MJFoundation.m
MJProperty.h            MJProperty.m
MJType.h                MJType.m
NSObject+MJCoding.h     NSObject+MJCoding.m
NSObject+MJProperty.h   NSObject+MJProperty.m
NSObject+MJKeyValue.h   NSObject+MJKeyValue.m

The most simple JSON -> Model

typedef enum {
} Sex;

@interface User : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *icon;
@property (assign, nonatomic) int age;
@property (assign, nonatomic) double height;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *money;
@property (assign, nonatomic) Sex sex;


NSDictionary *dict = @{
    @"name" : @"Jack",
    @"icon" : @"lufy.png",
    @"age" : @20,
    @"height" : @"1.55",
    @"money" : @100.9,
    @"sex" : @(SexFemale)

// JSON -> User
User *user = [User objectWithKeyValues:dict];

NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@, age=%d, height=%@, money=%@, sex=%d",
      user.name, user.icon, user.age, user.height, user.money, user.sex);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png, age=20, height=1.550000, money=100.9, sex=1
Core code
  • [User objectWithKeyValues:dict]

JSONString -> Model

// 1.Define a JSONString
NSString *jsonString = @"{\"name\":\"Jack\", \"icon\":\"lufy.png\", \"age\":20}";

// 2.JSONString -> User
User *user = [User objectWithKeyValues:jsonString];

// 3.Print user's properties
NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@, age=%d", user.name, user.icon, user.age);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png, age=20
Core code
  • [User objectWithKeyValues:dict]

Model contains model

@interface Status : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *text;
@property (strong, nonatomic) User *user;
@property (strong, nonatomic) Status *retweetedStatus;


NSDictionary *dict = @{
    @"text" : @"Agree!Nice weather!",
    @"user" : @{
        @"name" : @"Jack",
        @"icon" : @"lufy.png"
    @"retweetedStatus" : @{
        @"text" : @"Nice weather!",
        @"user" : @{
            @"name" : @"Rose",
            @"icon" : @"nami.png"

// JSON -> Status
Status *status = [Status objectWithKeyValues:dict];

NSString *text = status.text;
NSString *name = status.user.name;
NSString *icon = status.user.icon;
NSLog(@"text=%@, name=%@, icon=%@", text, name, icon);
// text=Agree!Nice weather!, name=Jack, icon=lufy.png

NSString *text2 = status.retweetedStatus.text;
NSString *name2 = status.retweetedStatus.user.name;
NSString *icon2 = status.retweetedStatus.user.icon;
NSLog(@"text2=%@, name2=%@, icon2=%@", text2, name2, icon2);
// text2=Nice weather!, name2=Rose, icon2=nami.png
Core code
  • [Status objectWithKeyValues:dict]

Model contains model-array

@interface Ad : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *image;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *url;

@interface StatusResult : NSObject
/** Contatins status model */
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *statuses;
/** Contatins ad model */
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *ads;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *totalNumber;


// Tell MJExtension what type model will be contained in statuses and ads.
[StatusResult setupObjectClassInArray:^NSDictionary *{
    return @{
               @"statuses" : @"Status",
               @"ads" : @"Ad"
// Equals: StatusResult.m implements +objectClassInArray method.

NSDictionary *dict = @{
    @"statuses" : @[
                          @"text" : @"Nice weather!",
                          @"user" : @{
                              @"name" : @"Rose",
                              @"icon" : @"nami.png"
                          @"text" : @"Go camping tomorrow!",
                          @"user" : @{
                              @"name" : @"Jack",
                              @"icon" : @"lufy.png"
    @"ads" : @[
                     @"image" : @"ad01.png",
                     @"url" : @"http://www.ad01.com"
                     @"image" : @"ad02.png",
                     @"url" : @"http://www.ad02.com"
    @"totalNumber" : @"2014"

// JSON -> StatusResult
StatusResult *result = [StatusResult objectWithKeyValues:dict];

NSLog(@"totalNumber=%@", result.totalNumber);
// totalNumber=2014

// Printing
for (Status *status in result.statuses) {
    NSString *text = status.text;
    NSString *name = status.user.name;
    NSString *icon = status.user.icon;
    NSLog(@"text=%@, name=%@, icon=%@", text, name, icon);
// text=Nice weather!, name=Rose, icon=nami.png
// text=Go camping tomorrow!, name=Jack, icon=lufy.png

// Printing
for (Ad *ad in result.ads) {
    NSLog(@"image=%@, url=%@", ad.image, ad.url);
// image=ad01.png, url=http://www.ad01.com
// image=ad02.png, url=http://www.ad02.com
Core code
  • call + (void)setupObjectClassInArray: method

Model name - JSON key mapping

@interface Bag : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (assign, nonatomic) double price;

@interface Student : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *ID;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *desc;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nowName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *oldName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nameChangedTime;
@property (strong, nonatomic) Bag *bag;


// How to map
[Student setupReplacedKeyFromPropertyName:^NSDictionary *{
    return @{
               @"ID" : @"id",
               @"desc" : @"desciption",
               @"oldName" : @"name.oldName",
               @"nowName" : @"name.newName",
               @"nameChangedTime" : @"name.info.nameChangedTime",
               @"bag" : @"other.bag"
// Equals: Student.m implements +replacedKeyFromPropertyName method.

NSDictionary *dict = @{
    @"id" : @"20",
    @"desciption" : @"kids",
    @"name" : @{
        @"newName" : @"lufy",
        @"oldName" : @"kitty",
        @"info" : @{
            @"nameChangedTime" : @"2013-08"
    @"other" : @{
        @"bag" : @{
            @"name" : @"a red bag",
            @"price" : @100.7

// JSON -> Student
Student *stu = [Student objectWithKeyValues:dict];

// Printing
NSLog(@"ID=%@, desc=%@, oldName=%@, nowName=%@, nameChangedTime=%@",
      stu.ID, stu.desc, stu.oldName, stu.nowName, stu.nameChangedTime);
// ID=20, desc=kids, oldName=kitty, nowName=lufy, nameChangedTime=2013-08
NSLog(@"bagName=%@, bagPrice=%f", stu.bag.name, stu.bag.price);
// bagName=a red bag, bagPrice=100.700000
Core code
  • call +setupReplacedKeyFromPropertyName: method

JSON array -> model array

NSArray *dictArray = @[
                             @"name" : @"Jack",
                             @"icon" : @"lufy.png"
                             @"name" : @"Rose",
                             @"icon" : @"nami.png"

// JSON array -> User array
NSArray *userArray = [User objectArrayWithKeyValuesArray:dictArray];

// Printing
for (User *user in userArray) {
    NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@", user.name, user.icon);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png
// name=Rose, icon=nami.png
Core code
  • [User objectArrayWithKeyValuesArray:dictArray]

Model -> JSON

// New model
User *user = [[User alloc] init];
user.name = @"Jack";
user.icon = @"lufy.png";

Status *status = [[Status alloc] init];
status.user = user;
status.text = @"Nice mood!";

// Status -> JSON
NSDictionary *statusDict = status.keyValues;
NSLog(@"%@", statusDict);
 text = "Nice mood!";
 user =     {
 icon = "lufy.png";
 name = Jack;

// More complex situation
Student *stu = [[Student alloc] init];
stu.ID = @"123";
stu.oldName = @"rose";
stu.nowName = @"jack";
stu.desc = @"handsome";
stu.nameChangedTime = @"2018-09-08";

Bag *bag = [[Bag alloc] init];
bag.name = @"a red bag";
bag.price = 205;
stu.bag = bag;

NSDictionary *stuDict = stu.keyValues;
NSLog(@"%@", stuDict);
 desciption = handsome;
 id = 123;
 name =     {
 info =         {
 nameChangedTime = "2018-09-08";
 newName = jack;
 oldName = rose;
 other =     {
 bag =         {
 name = "a red bag";
 price = 205;
Core code
  • status.keyValuesstu.keyValues

Model array -> JSON array

// New model array
User *user1 = [[User alloc] init];
user1.name = @"Jack";
user1.icon = @"lufy.png";

User *user2 = [[User alloc] init];
user2.name = @"Rose";
user2.icon = @"nami.png";

NSArray *userArray = @[user1, user2];

// Model array -> JSON array
NSArray *dictArray = [User keyValuesArrayWithObjectArray:userArray];
NSLog(@"%@", dictArray);
 icon = "lufy.png";
 name = Jack;
 icon = "nami.png";
 name = Rose;
Core code
  • [User keyValuesArrayWithObjectArray:userArray]

Core Data

NSDictionary *dict = @{
                         @"name" : @"Jack",
                         @"icon" : @"lufy.png",
                         @"age" : @20,
                         @"height" : @1.55,
                         @"money" : @"100.9",
                         @"sex" : @(SexFemale),
                         @"gay" : @"true"

// This demo just provide simple steps
NSManagedObjectContext *context = nil;
User *user = [User objectWithKeyValues:dict context:context];

[context save:nil];
Core code
  • [User objectWithKeyValues:dict context:context]


#import "MJExtension.h"

@implementation User
// NSCoding Implementation


// what properties not to be coded
[Bag setupIgnoredCodingPropertyNames:^NSArray *{
    return @[@"name"];
// Equals: Bag.m implements +ignoredCodingPropertyNames method.

// Create model
Bag *bag = [[Bag alloc] init];
bag.name = @"Red bag";
bag.price = 200.8;

NSString *file = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Desktop/bag.data"];
// Encoding
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:bag toFile:file];

// Decoding
Bag *decodedBag = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:file];
NSLog(@"name=%@, price=%f", decodedBag.name, decodedBag.price);
// name=(null), price=200.800000
Core code
  • MJCodingImplementation
  • call + (void)setupIgnoredCodingPropertyNames: method(If all properties need to be coded, there is no need to call it.)


  • Please reference NSObject+MJKeyValue.h
  • Please reference NSObject+MJCoding.h


  • 世界上转换速度最快、使用最简单方便的字典转模型框架


  • MJExtension是一套字典和模型之间互相转换的超轻量级框架
  • MJExtension能完成的功能
    • 字典(JSON) --> 模型(Model)CoreData模型(Core Data Model)
    • JSON字符串 --> 模型(Model)CoreData模型(Core Data Model)
    • 模型(Model)CoreData模型(Core Data Model) --> 字典(JSON)
    • 字典数组(JSON Array) --> 模型数组(Model Array)Core Data模型数组(Core Data Model Array)
    • JSON字符串 --> 模型数组(Model Array)Core Data模型数组(Core Data Model Array)
    • 模型数组(Model Array)Core Data模型数组(Core Data Model Array) --> 字典数组(JSON Array)
    • 只需要一行代码,就能实现模型的所有属性进行Coding(归档和解档)
  • 详尽用法主要参考 main.m中的各个函数 以及 NSObject+MJKeyValue.h


  • 转换速率:
    • 最近一次测试表明:MJExtension > JSONModel > Mantle
    • 各位开发者也可以自行测试
  • 具体用法:
    • JSONModel:要求所有模型类必须继承自JSONModel基类
    • Mantle:要求所有模型类必须继承自MTModel基类
    • MJExtension不需要你的模型类继承任何特殊基类,也不需要修改任何模型代码,毫无污染,毫无侵入性


  • cocoapods导入:pod 'MJExtension'
  • 手动导入:
    • MJExtensionExample/MJExtensionExample/MJExtension文件夹中的所有源代码拽入项目中
    • 导入主头文件:#import "MJExtension.h"
MJConst.h               MJConst.m
MJFoundation.h          MJFoundation.m
MJIvar.h                MJIvar.m
MJType.h                MJType.m
NSObject+MJCoding.h     NSObject+MJCoding.m
NSObject+MJIvar.h       NSObject+MJIvar.m
NSObject+MJKeyValue.h   NSObject+MJKeyValue.m


typedef enum {
} Sex;

@interface User : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *icon;
@property (assign, nonatomic) int age;
@property (assign, nonatomic) double height;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *money;
@property (assign, nonatomic) Sex sex;


NSDictionary *dict = @{
               @"name" : @"Jack",
               @"icon" : @"lufy.png",
               @"age" : @20,
               @"height" : @"1.55",
               @"money" : @100.9,
               @"sex" : @(SexFemale)

// 将字典转为User模型
User *user = [User objectWithKeyValues:dict];

NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@, age=%d, height=%@, money=%@, sex=%d",
	user.name, user.icon, user.age, user.height, user.money, user.sex);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png, age=20, height=1.550000, money=100.9, sex=1
  • [User objectWithKeyValues:dict]


// 1.定义一个JSON字符串
NSString *jsonString = @"{\"name\":\"Jack\", \"icon\":\"lufy.png\", \"age\":20}";

// 2.将JSON字符串转为User模型
User *user = [User objectWithKeyValues:jsonString];

// 3.打印User模型的属性
NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@, age=%d", user.name, user.icon, user.age);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png, age=20
  • [User objectWithKeyValues:dict]


@interface Status : NSObject
/** 微博文本内容 */
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *text;
/** 微博作者 */
@property (strong, nonatomic) User *user;
/** 转发的微博 */
@property (strong, nonatomic) Status *retweetedStatus;


NSDictionary *dict = @{
               @"text" : @"是啊,今天天气确实不错!",
               @"user" : @{
                   @"name" : @"Jack",
                   @"icon" : @"lufy.png"
               @"retweetedStatus" : @{
                   @"text" : @"今天天气真不错!",
                   @"user" : @{
                       @"name" : @"Rose",
                       @"icon" : @"nami.png"

// 将字典转为Status模型
Status *status = [Status objectWithKeyValues:dict];

NSString *text = status.text;
NSString *name = status.user.name;
NSString *icon = status.user.icon;
NSLog(@"text=%@, name=%@, icon=%@", text, name, icon);
// text=是啊,今天天气确实不错!, name=Jack, icon=lufy.png

NSString *text2 = status.retweetedStatus.text;
NSString *name2 = status.retweetedStatus.user.name;
NSString *icon2 = status.retweetedStatus.user.icon;
NSLog(@"text2=%@, name2=%@, icon2=%@", text2, name2, icon2);
// text2=今天天气真不错!, name2=Rose, icon2=nami.png
  • [Status objectWithKeyValues:dict]


@interface Ad : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *image;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *url;

@interface StatusResult : NSObject
/** 存放着一堆的微博数据(里面都是Status模型) */
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *statuses;
/** 存放着一堆的广告数据(里面都是Ad模型) */
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *ads;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *totalNumber;


// StatusResult类中的statuses数组中存放的是Status模型
// StatusResult类中的ads数组中存放的是Ad模型
[StatusResult setupObjectClassInArray:^NSDictionary *{
    return @{
             @"statuses" : @"Status",
             @"ads" : @"Ad"
// 相当于在StatusResult.m中实现了+objectClassInArray方法

NSDictionary *dict = @{
                       @"statuses" : @[
                               @"text" : @"今天天气真不错!",
                               @"user" : @{
                                   @"name" : @"Rose",
                                   @"icon" : @"nami.png"
                               @"text" : @"明天去旅游了",
                               @"user" : @{
                                   @"name" : @"Jack",
                                   @"icon" : @"lufy.png"
                       @"ads" : @[
                               @"image" : @"ad01.png",
                               @"url" : @"http://www.ad01.com"
                               @"image" : @"ad02.png",
                               @"url" : @"http://www.ad02.com"
                       @"totalNumber" : @"2014"

// 将字典转为StatusResult模型
StatusResult *result = [StatusResult objectWithKeyValues:dict];

NSLog(@"totalNumber=%@", result.totalNumber);
// totalNumber=2014

// 打印statuses数组中的模型属性
for (Status *status in result.statuses) {
    NSString *text = status.text;
    NSString *name = status.user.name;
    NSString *icon = status.user.icon;
    NSLog(@"text=%@, name=%@, icon=%@", text, name, icon);
// text=今天天气真不错!, name=Rose, icon=nami.png
// text=明天去旅游了, name=Jack, icon=lufy.png

// 打印ads数组中的模型属性
for (Ad *ad in result.ads) {
    NSLog(@"image=%@, url=%@", ad.image, ad.url);
// image=ad01.png, url=http://www.ad01.com
// image=ad02.png, url=http://www.ad02.com
  • 调用+ (void)setupObjectClassInArray:方法
  • [StatusResult objectWithKeyValues:dict]
  • 提醒一句:如果NSArray\NSMutableArray属性中存放的不希望是模型,而是NSNumber、NSString等基本数据,那么就不需要调用+ (void)setupObjectClassInArray:方法


@interface Bag : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (assign, nonatomic) double price;

@interface Student : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *ID;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *desc;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nowName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *oldName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nameChangedTime;
@property (strong, nonatomic) Bag *bag;


// Student中的ID属性对应着字典中的id
// ....
[Student setupReplacedKeyFromPropertyName:^NSDictionary *{
    return @{@"ID" : @"id",
             @"desc" : @"desciption",
             @"oldName" : @"name.oldName",
             @"nowName" : @"name.newName",
             @"nameChangedTime" : @"name.info.nameChangedTime",
             @"bag" : @"other.bag"
// 相当于在Student.m中实现了+replacedKeyFromPropertyName方法

NSDictionary *dict = @{
                       @"id" : @"20",
                       @"desciption" : @"孩子",
                       @"name" : @{
                            @"newName" : @"lufy",
                            @"oldName" : @"kitty",
                            @"info" : @{
                                @"nameChangedTime" : @"2013-08"
                       @"other" : @{
                            @"bag" : @{
                                @"name" : @"小书包",
                                @"price" : @100.7

// 将字典转为Student模型
Student *stu = [Student objectWithKeyValues:dict];

// 打印Student模型的属性
NSLog(@"ID=%@, desc=%@, oldName=%@, nowName=%@, nameChangedTime=%@",
          stu.ID, stu.desc, stu.oldName, stu.nowName, stu.nameChangedTime);
// ID=20, desc=孩子, oldName=kitty, nowName=lufy, nameChangedTime=2013-08
NSLog(@"bagName=%@, bagPrice=%f", stu.bag.name, stu.bag.price);
// bagName=小书包, bagPrice=100.700000
  • 调用+ (void)setupReplacedKeyFromPropertyName:方法
  • [Student objectWithKeyValues:dict]


NSArray *dictArray = @[
                           @"name" : @"Jack",
                           @"icon" : @"lufy.png",
                           @"name" : @"Rose",
                           @"icon" : @"nami.png",

// 将字典数组转为User模型数组
NSArray *userArray = [User objectArrayWithKeyValuesArray:dictArray];

// 打印userArray数组中的User模型属性
for (User *user in userArray) {
    NSLog(@"name=%@, icon=%@", user.name, user.icon);
// name=Jack, icon=lufy.png
// name=Rose, icon=nami.png
  • [User objectArrayWithKeyValuesArray:dictArray]


// 新建模型
User *user = [[User alloc] init];
user.name = @"Jack";
user.icon = @"lufy.png";

Status *status = [[Status alloc] init];
status.user = user;
status.text = @"今天的心情不错!";

// 将模型转为字典
NSDictionary *statusDict = status.keyValues;
NSLog(@"%@", statusDict);
    text = "今天的心情不错!";
    user =     {
        icon = "lufy.png";
        name = Jack;

// 多级映射的模型
Student *stu = [[Student alloc] init];
stu.ID = @"123";
stu.oldName = @"rose";
stu.nowName = @"jack";
stu.desc = @"handsome";
stu.nameChangedTime = @"2018-09-08";

Bag *bag = [[Bag alloc] init];
bag.name = @"小书包";
bag.price = 205;
stu.bag = bag;

NSDictionary *stuDict = stu.keyValues;
NSLog(@"%@", stuDict);
    desciption = handsome;
    id = 123;
    name =     {
        info =         {
            nameChangedTime = "2018-09-08";
        newName = jack;
        oldName = rose;
    other =     {
        bag =         {
            name = "小书包";
            price = 205;
  • status.keyValuesstu.keyValues


// 新建模型数组
User *user1 = [[User alloc] init];
user1.name = @"Jack";
user1.icon = @"lufy.png";

User *user2 = [[User alloc] init];
user2.name = @"Rose";
user2.icon = @"nami.png";

NSArray *userArray = @[user1, user2];

// 将模型数组转为字典数组
NSArray *dictArray = [User keyValuesArrayWithObjectArray:userArray];
NSLog(@"%@", dictArray);
        icon = "lufy.png";
        name = Jack;
        icon = "nami.png";
        name = Rose;
  • [User keyValuesArrayWithObjectArray:userArray]

Core Data

NSDictionary *dict = @{
                       @"name" : @"Jack",
                       @"icon" : @"lufy.png",
                       @"age" : @20,
                       @"height" : @1.55,
                       @"money" : @"100.9",
                       @"sex" : @(SexFemale),
                       @"gay" : @"true"

// 这个Demo仅仅提供思路,具体的方法参数需要自己创建
NSManagedObjectContext *context = nil;
User *user = [User objectWithKeyValues:dict context:context];

// 利用CoreData保存模型
[context save:nil];
Core code
  • [User objectWithKeyValues:dict context:context]


#import "MJExtension.h"

@implementation User
// NSCoding实现


// Bag类中的name属性不参与归档
[Bag setupIgnoredCodingPropertyNames:^NSArray *{
    return @[@"name"];
// 相当于在Bag.m中实现了+ignoredCodingPropertyNames方法

// 创建模型
Bag *bag = [[Bag alloc] init];
bag.name = @"Red bag";
bag.price = 200.8;

NSString *file = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Desktop/bag.data"];
// 归档
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:bag toFile:file];

// 解档
Bag *decodedBag = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:file];
NSLog(@"name=%@, price=%f", decodedBag.name, decodedBag.price);
// name=(null), price=200.800000
Core code
  • MJCodingImplementation
  • 调用+ (void)setupIgnoredCodingPropertyNames方法(如果全部属性都要归档、解档,那就不需要调用这个方法)


  • 参考NSObject+MJKeyValue.h
  • 参考NSObject+MJCoding.h


  • 如果在使用过程中遇到BUG,希望你能Issues我,谢谢(或者尝试下载最新的框架代码看看BUG修复没有)
  • 如果在使用过程中发现功能不够用,希望你能Issues我,我非常想为这个框架增加更多好用的功能,谢谢
  • 如果你想为MJExtension输出代码,请拼命Pull Requests我
  • 一起携手打造天朝乃至世界最好用的字典模型框架,做天朝程序员的骄傲