The Ltl template language (pronounced "little") uses a clean Jade-like syntax to generate HTML at doT-like speeds.
If you love tight code and fast rendering, you'll be right at home with Ltl.
Add ltl
to your project:
npm install --save ltl
Compile and render templates:
var ltl = require("ltl");
var template = ltl.compile("#hi Hello ${who}!");
var result = template({who: "World"});
<div id="hi">Hello World!</div>
is a string of Ltl code.options
is an object with any of the following properties:name
will cause the template to cache atltl.templates[name]
causes HTML to be indented, usingspace
as indentation.
is the name of a compiler option.value
is the default value you'd like to set it to.
Supported options:
is the number of spaces that tabs are converted to before compilation. (Default: 4)
Targets are key-value pairs of transpiler names and target language names.
Tag nesting is done with whitespace. You can use tabs or spaces, and Ltl can detect the number of spaces you're using.
title Hello World!
div Here is some content.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World!</title>
<div>Here is some content.</div>
<!DOCTYPE html>
is automagically inserted before an <html>
tag. If you would like to specify a custom doctype, you can use the shorthand doctype
or !
<!DOCTYPE svg>
Nesting can also be done with one-liners using >
div>span Boo!
HTML id and class attributes are done with #
and .
div#myId.myClass.myOtherClass Hello
<div id="myId" class="myClass myOtherClass">Hello</div>
When there is no tag name, div is assumed
.hi Hello
<div class="hi">Hello</div>
Attributes are contained in parentheses, and treated like they would be inside an HTML tag.
(style="display:none" data-something="peek-a-boo") Hide me
<div style="display:none;" data-something="peek-a-boo">Hide me</div>
Note: Unlike Jade, Ltl does not use commas between attributes.
If you want to insert a line of text without wrapping it in a tag, just start the line with a minus.
- Hello!
<h1><img src="/logo.png">Hello!</h1>
You can output blocks of content as plain text, using :
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog asks, "Why should YOU go
to jail for a crime someone else noticed?"
<div id="blah">
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog asks, "Why should YOU go
to jail for a crime someone else noticed?"
Blocks can also be passed through filters, such as markdown
# Ltl
It's a recursive acronym for "Ltl Template Language".
<h1>ltl</h1><p>It's a recursive acronym for "Ltl Template Language".</p>
If a filter is unrecognized, Ltl will attempt to load it in the following ways:
- Client-side: use
- Server-side: use
A filter must have a function named compile
or parse
which accepts a state
and returns a string, or it can be such a function itself.
Ltl comments are added by using //
as a tag, and they do not output any
HTML. The //
tag can be used on one line or as a block.
h1 Comments
// No one will see this.
p Hello from
This won't be shown.
Neither will this.
<h1>Comments</h1><p>Hello from</p>
HTML comments are add by using -
as a tag.
- Begin page
p Hello
- End page
p Delete me
<!--Begin page--><p>Hello</p><!--End page--><!--<p>Delete me</p>-->
You can output the value of a state property with ${..}
and special HTML characters will be escaped for you to
prevent silly little XSS attacks.
var code = '. Hello ${name}!';
var template = ltl.compile(code)
template({name: 'Sam'});
<div>Hello Sam!</div>
To encode for a URL rather than HTML, use &{}
State: {query: "good brewpubs"}
<a href="?q=good%20brewpubs">good brewpubs</a>
If you'd like your content to skip encoding (because
you want your expression to output raw HTML tags rather
than safely escaped text), use ={..}
State: {unsafe: "<script>alert('Gotcha!')</script>"}
. ={unsafe}
If you want to show ${..}
, &{..}
or ={..}
blocks in your output,
you can escape with a backslash.
code \${escaped} or \={raw}
<code>${escaped} or ={raw}
You can assign a value to a variable in the template state using =
who = 'World'
. Hello ${who}!
<p>Hello World!</p>
to iterate over an array inside the state.
State: {list: ['IPA', 'Porter', 'Stout']}
for item in list
li ${item}
Use for..of
to iterate over object keys.
State: {pairings: {Coffee: 'coding', Beer: 'bloviating'}}
for drink, activity of pairings
. ${drink} is for ${activity}.
<div><b>Coffee</b> is for <i>coding</i>.</div><div><b>Beer</b> is for <i>bloviating</i>.</div>
Use if
, else
or else if
to render conditionally.
The control statement's inline content gets evaluated
as JavaScript.
if username == 'root'
. Do as you please.
else if username
. Do as you can.
. Don't.
You can use builtin JavaScript objects and whatnot.
if Math.random() > 0.5
p This has a 50/50 chance of showing.
A template can call another template with @
. To accomplish
this, you must compile your templates with
, and
they will be stored in ltl.cache
. The template that's being
called can access the data state.
var temp = ltl.compile('p\n @bold', {name: 'temp'});
var bold = ltl.compile('b ${text}', {name: 'bold'});
ltl.cache.temp({text: 'Hi!'});
Templates can receive data using the attribute syntax, and they can receive a
nested block of content (if passed), using the builtin scope variable block
var layout = ltl.compile('html\n head>title ${title}\n body ${block}', {name: 'layout'});
var page = ltl.compile('@layout(title="Test")\n p It worked!', {name: 'page'});;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>It worked!</div>
A template can have properties applied to it by using a plus symbol.
head>title Template Properties
Properties can be used to provide hidden values to systems that compile
Ltl templates, such as [Chug](
When compiled, the template will become a JavaScript function as usual.
In addition, it will have a property called "extra", whose value will be
a string containing the contents of this block.
If the plus symbol is used more than once for the same property, the value
of that property will be a concatenation of multiple blocks.
# Also supports filters
Properties can have filters. This block will be evaluated as markdown,
and the resulting value will be set as the "also" property of the template.
The js and css properties of a template can be set using the plus symbol, just like other properties. Unlike including JS or CSS in a script or style tag block, these properties would need to be added to a page externally in order to affect the HTML.
p This will be included in the template's rendered HTML.
console.log("This will not be included in the template's js property.");
p {color: black}
In addition, several languages that compile to JS/CSS are supported. Their compilers can be invoked using their corresponding file extensions. For JS, Ltl supports coffee, litcoffee, iced, es6, and ts. For CSS, it supports less, scss and styl.
This template will compile to a function which returns this paragraph, and
the function will have **js** and **css** properties.
console.log "Hello from CoffeeScript!"
@textColor: #000;
p {
color: @textColor;
JavaScript and CSS can also be included inline in a template using directives that appear as tags. Just as with JS and CSS properties, these support compilers such as CoffeeScript and LESS.
a {color: #000;}
state.linkText = 'hello'
a ${linkText}
The state variable in a template is called state
, so the above would set the
value in the state object, and then it would render the following
HTML if called:
<style>a {color: #000;}</style><a>hello</a>