
A simple command-line tool for managing a to-do list. It allows the user to create, view, and mark off items on their to-do list using a set of command-line arguments. Implemented in Python using the `argparse` module.

Primary LanguagePython

Command-Line To-Do List Manager

This is a simple command-line tool for managing a to-do list. It allows the user to create, view, and mark off items on their to-do list using a set of command-line arguments.


  • Add new items to the to-do list using the --add argument
  • Mark items as done by specifying their index using the --done argument
  • View the current to-do list by running the script without any arguments


  • Python 3.x


To use the script, save it to a file and run it from the command line. Here are some example usage scenarios:

# Add a new item to the to-do list
python todo.py --add "Buy milk"

# Mark the second item as done
python todo.py --done 2

# View the to-do list
python todo.py


The to-do list manager is implemented as a single Python script, todo.py. It uses the argparse module to parse command-line arguments and a simple text file to store the to-do list.

The script defines several functions to load and save the to-do list, add new items, mark items as done, and list the items. The main function uses these functions to perform the desired actions based on the command-line arguments.


This function loads the to-do list from a text file and returns it as a list of strings.


This function saves the to-do list to a text file.

add_item(todo_list, item)

This function adds a new item to the to-do list and saves the updated list to the text file.

mark_done(todo_list, index)

This function removes the item at the specified index from the to-do list and saves the updated list to the text file.


This function prints the to-do list to the console.


  • The to-do list is stored in a simple text file, so it will be lost if the file is deleted or the script is run on a different machine.