
Separate Rails Server for the Queue for multi-program support

Primary LanguageRuby

Compass - by Lighthouse Labs

Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage Codacy Badge

Welcome to Compass! Lighthouse Lab's website for hosting our curriculum to students and managing their education.


Table of Contents

  1. Setup
  1. Project Management Process
  1. Deployment
  2. CSS UI Framework
  3. Linter
  4. Testing
  5. CodeClimate
  6. Built With


Follow these steps in order please:

  1. Clone the project
  2. bundle install
  3. Setup your config/database.yml based off config/database.example.yml (cp it)
  • If you are using vagrant (which already has postgres on it): please remove host: localhost from both the development and test db settings. Also, please add username: and password: as empty keys under both sections.
  1. Setup a .env file based on .env.example in the project root: cp .env.example .env
  2. Setup new DNS Alias for localhost:
  • From your terminal, type in sudo nano /etc/hosts (Mac/Linux Only)
  • Note: if you are using a VM (Vagrant, etc), this should be done on your host (main) machine, not your virtual machine
  • Add the following entry as a new line at the end of the /etc/hosts file: compass.local.
  • Make sure the HOST env var is set correctly in .env (HOST=compass.local:4000)
  • Now you can go to the URL http://compass.local:4000/ instead of http://localhost:4000/ for when you are working on this app.
  1. Create a Developer level Oauth Application on Github
  • Screenshot: http://d.pr/i/182yT/1rXSKzEe
  • Set the two client keys as GITHUB_KEY and GITHUB_SECRET in the env file
  • More details below, if you need them.
  1. Generate a GitHub personal access token for compass on localhost
  • Screenshot of mine: http://d.pr/i/1hjsW/3kWb5gGZ
  • It's needed b/c the curriculum repo with all the content is private and compass needs to use the GH API to access it when seeding/creating activities
  • Set the key as the GITHUB_ADMIN_OAUTH_TOKEN in your env file
  1. bin/rake db:setup
  • This will create, schema load, and seed the db
  • The seed script will download the (private) curriculum repo in order to ingest the content. This means your github auth should be set appropriately, otherwise it will have access issues and fail.
  1. Start the server, using bin/serve
  2. Run bin/fresh_sidekiq in another terminal
  • Note: It will intentionally clear the queues (seeds cause a lot of tasks) before starting, so keep that in mind
  1. Create an admin+teacher account for yourself. First sign up as a teacher using this URL:
  • http://compass.local:4000/i/ggg (teacher invite code URL)
  • Once you've authenticated successfully, rails c in and update the user (using u = User.last, set u.admin = true, then u.save)
  1. It is recommended that you create/use another, fake github account to represent a student that can be logged in at the same time (in private browsing mode)
  • you can use our (compass-test-student GH account, account info available in intern docs)

Github App Setup

User (student/teacher) Authentication can only happen through Github. Much like how Facebook has Apps that you need if you want to allow users to login through Facebook, we need to create an "app" on Github).

  1. Create a Github application on your Github profile (for your dev environment): https://github.com/settings/applications/new
  2. Specify http://compass.local:4000/auth/github/callback as the Callback URL (when they ask you)
  3. After the app is created, it gives you some keys. Add the OAuth client ID and client secret as GITHUB_KEY and GITHUB_SECRET to your .env file
  4. Kill and Restart your local server (guard or rails s or whatever) if running


  1. Start the server using the command bin/serve.
  • This runs bin/rails s -b -p 4000
  • You can change this to 3000 if you prefer (affects above GitHub changes)
  1. Run bin/fresh_sidekiq in another terminal.
  • Note: This script will intentionally clear the queues for a fresh start.

Assistance Queue

The Assistance Queue (found on path /assistance_requests) is reliant on Redis (though ActionCable).

To install Redis:

brew install redis

Run redis with redis-server in any directory

iOS and Part Time Support

It is recommended that you create a second compass on your local machine so that you can quickly switch between iOS and web and any of the part time courses.

  1. Setup GitHub App same as before
  2. Follow the Setup above with some modifications:
  • On step 2, change database.yml to use a different db, for example, compass_ios
  • Stop just before you run rake db:setup
  1. Change the seeds.rb file to reflect the repo you want to seed from. In the ContentRepository.find_or_create_by!( line change github_repo to appropriate repo, for example: github_repo: "iOS-Curriculum" matches with https://github.com/lighthouse-labs/iOS-Curriculum
  1. Continue with the rest of the steps (from step 9)

if you are setting up a part-time curriculum, there is a little bit more work you need to do. (configuration for part time needs to be fairly specific or it may not work.)

  1. in seeds.rb change @program
p.weeks = 7
p.days_per_week = 2
p.weekends = false
p.curriculum_unlocking = 'weekly'
p.has_interviews = false
p.has_projects = false
  1. in dev_seeds.rb where cohort_van or cohort_tor, in Cohort.create!( add weekdays: '1, 3' for Monday and Wednesday classes, for example


  • Usually the part-time curriculum is 2 days per week. This is reflected by changing the Program.days_per_week column to 2.
  • Each program has a different length, for iOS part timeProgram.weeks = 7
  • Program should curriculum unlocking weekly, else it does not handle well if the start is not a Monday. Also allows students to look ahead
  • Program false flags on projects on interviews and projects (no interviews/projects)
  • Every cohort needs to setup for weekdays column, for example '1,3', these should match up with the Program's days per week.

Proctor Setup

To setup compass to work with the proctor server, there are a few things you will need to configure:

  • On the Program model:
    • Set proctor_url to the Base URL of your proctor server, i.e. http://localhost:3000
    • Set proctor_read_token and proctor_write_token to be the same as the READ_TOKEN and WRITE_TOKEN values respectiveley from the proctor server. I would suggest to use something like rails secret to generate these tokens.
  • Make sure your sidekiq instance is running, a background worker is used to cache the config for each ProgrammingTest after a deploy is ran.
  • Run a curriculum deploy to update all the ProgrammingTest models, see the next section for instructions on that.

Curriculum Development

Use the rake command rake curriculum:deploy. It is suggested that you test your markdown from the curriculum repo before you push that content. This rake command can be given an arg to bypass the process of downloading the curriculum content form github and instead use a local copy.

Example (from the compass dir):

bin/rake curriculum:deploy REPO_DIR=/Users/kvirani/github/lighthouse/..../data

Alternatively, you can use the GitHub version of the curriculum but a different branch than the master branch:

bin/rake curriculum:deploy BRANCH=my-cool-branch-name

PM Process

We are using GitHub Projects to manage this repo.


  1. Use GitHub Projects to see issues.
  2. Download James' Custom Plugin
  • Use this plugin to add time estimates/actuals to tickets
  • Keep in mind that it contains only issues not PRs. Issues in Review/QA should have relevant PR

Rules / Process:

For lead dev

  • Review the PRs in Review/QA pipeline
  • Use "Review changes" feature to submit a request for changes, or merge+delete the branch+PR
  • If the PR had feedback with request for changes, change its pipeline to Backlog as well
    • Add any missing labels while you are at it
    • BTW The labels are used by github_changelog_generator to group changes in the CHANGELOG

For contributors and junior devs

  • When naming branches, please use the following format: issue#-short-name eg: 231-switch-past-cohorts
  • Please Follow issue/PR templates
  • Before you submit a PR, please

Note*: creating an new issue automatically adds a card to the github projects. In addition, submitting a PR moves a card into the Review/QA column when properly labeled (with resolves #issue)



  1. Create a tag (eg: 2017.07.10.0930): git tag 2017.xx.xx.xxxx
  2. Push the tag: git push --tags
  3. Run the github_changelog_generator with the -t parameter: github_changelog_generator -t <your github token> from the root of the project.
  4. Push the change to the CHANGELOG.md to GitHub (master branch)
  5. On GitHub, create a new release using the same name as the tag
  • Paste the relevant contents from the CHANGELOG.md file for the release notes. (Example)
  1. Push your local master to production: git push compass2 master
  • which points to remote: dokku@compass.lighthouselabs.ca:compass2
  1. If there are migrations: SSH into VM and run migrations: dokku run compass2 bin/rake db:migrate; dokku ps:restart compass2
  2. Let Ed Ops folks know about the deployment (web-ed-ops-vancouver@lighthouselabs.ca and web-ed-ops-toronto@lighthouselabs.ca)
  3. Let all (web bootcamp) teachers know about the deployment by pasting the link to the release on GitHub on #web-curriculum in Slack

CSS UI Framework

https://github.com/wingrunr21/flat-ui-sass was used to convert FlatUI Pro from LESS to SASS (located in vendor/assets )


We also have the rubocop gem to lint locally, which can be run with bin/rubocop. To automatically fix simple lint errors such as indentation and white spacing, you can use bin/rubocop -a, however, there is some risk with this.


To run all tests:


To run a specific file:

bin/rspec ./spec/models/user_spec.rb

To run a specific test:

bin/rspec ./spec/models/user_spec.rb -e "User has a valid factory"

Note: Use HEADLESS=0 when running feature specs to see your browser in action (sometimes useful for debugging or just plain entertainment).


Running tests with COV=1 set will generate the coverage/ folder (from the simplecov gem). Opening up the coverage/index.html in the browser shows a filterable breakdown

In order to update the coverage number on CodeClimate, run this command (on master):

CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN= <% Test Reporter ID %> bundle exec codeclimate-test-reporter

Where <% Test Reporter ID %> is from CodeClimate's website. Settings >> Test Coverage

Make sure gem codeclimate-test-reporter version is 1.0+

Built With

This project is built with:

  • Buby 2.4.3
  • Rails
  • Slim instead of ERB or haml or ...
  • Postgres 9.x
  • Bootstrap 4.something
  • Capybara, selenium and chrome-headless for testing