An accessible, interactive widget for selecting a day which populates an input field with a date.
<div id="my-dayPickr"></div>
import dayPickr from 'daypickr';
const myDaypickr = new dayPickr(document.getElementById('#my-dayPickr'), { ...options });
<script src="daypickr.min.js"></script>
dayPickr.default(document.getElementById('#my-dayPickr'), {
The dayPickr function renders two input elements - a user editable input field and a hidden field that is populated with the selected value. The user editable input should be formatted in natural language and is not set along with the form. The hidden input is populated with YYYY-MM-DD format, which can be customized.
min = '1900-01-01', // minimum date
max = '2100-12-31', // maximum date
classes = {
wrapper: 'daypickr', // calendar dialog wrapper
header: 'daypickr__header', // calendar header with month and year navigation
select: 'daypickr__select', // all select elements
monthSelect: 'daypickr__select--month', // select for choosing calendar month
yearSelect: 'daypickr__select--year', // select for choosing calendar year
button: 'daypickr__button', // all buttons in calendar
paginationButton: 'daypickr__button--pagination', // next/prev pagination buttons
nextMonthButton: 'daypickr__button--pagination-next', // next month pagination button
prevMonthButton: 'daypickr__button--pagination-prev', // previous month pagination button
yearMonthWrapper: 'daypickr__year-month-wrapper', // wrapper for year and month selects
pagination: 'daypickr__pagination', // wrapper for prev/next buttons
table: 'daypickr__calendar', // calendar table
tableRow: 'daypickr__calendar-row', // calendar table row
tableCell: 'daypickr__calendar-cell', // calendar table cell
tableHeaderRow: 'daypickr__calendar-header-row', // calendar table header row with weekdays
tableHeaderCell: 'daypickr__calendar-header-cell', // calendar table header cell with weekdays
dayButton: 'daypickr__day', // button element for each day
isToday: 'isToday', // today button element
isSelected: 'isSelected', // selected button element
srOnly: 'sr-only', // visually hidden screenreader text
closeButton: 'daypickr__button--close', // dialog close button
toggleButton: 'daypickr__button--toggle', // open/close toggle button
l10n = {
prevMonth: 'previous month', // text in first pagination button
nextMonth: 'next month', // text in second pagination button
month: 'Month', // hidden description of month select element
year: 'Year', // hidden description of year select element
// weekdays where shortnames are visible and names are rendered in element with
// class from classes.srOnly for screenareaders
weekdays: [
{ name: 'Sunday', shortname: 'Su' },
{ name: 'Monday', shortname: 'Mo' },
{ name: 'Tuesday', shortname: 'Tu' },
{ name: 'Wednesday', shortname: 'We' },
{ name: 'Thursday', shortname: 'Th' },
{ name: 'Friday', shortname: 'Fr' },
{ name: 'Saturday', shortname: 'Sa' },
// months in month select element
months: [
openButton: 'Choose date', // text in toggle button
closeButton: 'Close', // text in close button
selectedDay, // preselected date, also fills input value
firstDayOfWeek = 1, // first day of week, defaults to monday
locale = {}, // locale of the displayed date.
disabledDayFn = () => {}, // receives a date object for each visible date. disable any date by returning true.
onSelect = () => {}, // function invoked upon selecting a date. receives the selected date object as argument.
formatDate = (date) => dateToYYYYMMDD(date), // format the date for hidden input element
parseDate = (date) => { // parse user input for manual entry
const matches = date.match(/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/);
if (matches) {
return new Date(matches[3], matches[2] - 1, matches[1]);
return false;
name, // name of the hidden input element
id, // id of the user editable input field
calendarIcon, // object rendered into an element in the open/close button using createElement. When present, the button text is wrapped in a span with srOnly className.
* calendarIcon: {
* type: 'svg',
* width: '10',
* height: '10,
* viewBox: '0 0 10 10',
* children: [
* type: 'rect',
* width: '10',
* height: '10',
* fill: 'blue',
* ]
* }
* /