
Object Oriented Programming Exercises

Primary LanguageRuby

Launch School - RB120 Course - Exercises

Object Oriented Programming



Clone ruby-common to this project's parent directory.

  • The ruby-common project's files will eventually be converted and published as gems to avoid "dependency hell".

Helpful shell scripts

  • Create Ruby exercise files with default content:

    file_names=(name1 name2)
    for name in $file_names; do touch "$name.rb"; printf '# frozen_string_literal: true\n' > "$name.rb"; done
  • Set frozen_string_literal comment to all Ruby files in current directory:

    • for f in ./*.rb; do printf '# frozen_string_literal: true\n' > "$f"; done
    • For advanced functionality, use find: find ./*.rb -maxdepth 0 -exec bash -c "printf '# frozen_string_literal: true\n' > '{}'" ';'