Horiseon Accessibility Upgrade


This project focuses on enhancing the accessibility standards of the Horiseon website to improve the site's SEO performance and readability for users who use screen readers. The HTML structure has been modified using semantic elements, the elements follow a logical structure, alt attributes have been added to images, headings are arranged in sequential order, and the title element is concise and descriptive.


The project is hosted on a webpage, so there are no specific installation steps.


When the HTML and CSS files are opened in a browser, the user will be presented with a clean, easy-to-read page. The navigation links correspond to the sections on the page, the images include alt text, and the CSS selectors and properties are consolidated and organized.


Ensure that all links are functioning correctly and that the HTML and CSS have no errors.

Live Demo

The live version of the project can be found here.


This project was accepted and completed as part of the UofT SCS Coding Boot Camp Online: Fullstack Flex PT course through the University of Toronto. The original project was created by edX Boot Camps LLC. and has been modified for the purpose of this assignment.

I want to thank my teacher, Sean Roshan, and TA, Serena Guo, for their guidance and suggestions in the structuring of this project.
