This is the codebase for the website.
If you're intested in how PID definitions work, see
On the production instance, the javascript is minified using UglifyJS. Before you start changing the code, or deploy to appengine you'll need to download the javascript tools that are used for this process.
The tools are managed using nodejs's package manager npm. The packages are downloaded using npm and bower. Bower is called using grunt
If all of this seems rather complex don't despair, once everything is installed it's very easy to use.
1, Install npm.
2, Install grunt-cli globally yourself by running either
npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
3, Use npm to install the remaining dependencies. In the root directory of the project run:
npm install
grunt bower
This will install the node.js dependencies (grunt, bower, karma) and then run the grunt task for installing the bower packages.
The bower packages should only be installed using grunt, since grunt will place them in static/libs, where both appengine & karma expect them. Calling bower directly will install them in bower_components.
Tasks are managed using Grunt. To see a list of tasks run:
grunt --help
The newer Angular code is unit-tested using karma. The tests are in unit-test-js/tests/rdm.js and the karma configuration in unit-test-js/karma.conf.js. The test can be run with:
grunt unit-test
It does require Firefox and the dependencies to be installed to be able to run the test.
To minifiy the Javascript code, run
grunt compress
This will run jshint which enforces style guidelines and then if jshint passes, runs uglifyjs to compress the javascript code.
If you are continuously editing the source and testing it, you can have grunt automatically perform the compression when the source files change by running
grunt compress-watch
If you are having trouble with debugging the minified sources you can copy the files to the static dir (without compression) by using:
grunt copy-once
Again, this will run jshint and the copy the sources over to static/js/
If you want an automatic copy when the files change, use:
grunt copy-watch
When you are finished debugging, remember to run
grunt copy-cleanup
otherwise the files won't be compressed
Before deploying to App Engine run:
grunt compress
You can then run to deploy.
TODO(someone): Automate this using Grunt.