import Yesod.Paginator
Do you have some [Thing]
that you've already selected out of your DB,
maybe composed from multiple tables, and you just want to paginate this
big list?
getPageR :: Handler RepHtml
getPageR = do
things' <- getAllThings
-- note: things will be the same type as things'
(things, widget) <- paginate 10 things'
defaultLayout $ do
$forall thing <- things
^{showThing thing}
Do you have a single table of records and you want to paginate them, selecting only the records needed to display the current page?
getPageR :: Handler RepHtml
getPageR = do
(things, widget) <- runDB $ selectPaginated 10 [] []
defaultLayout $ do
$forall thing <- things
^{showThing $ snd thing}
can be thought of a direct drop-in for selectList
This means it can be thrown inside any existing runDB
block. Example
is also available if you've already got more
complicated database code doing the record pagination but you just want
the pretty links. Example here.