
An example app for the TI Nspire written in Rust using Ndless

Primary LanguageRust

A Rust and Ndless example


  • Ndless toolchain installed and added to path
  • Rustup installed
  • Latest Rust Nightly installed (nightly-2020-05-31 works)
  • Unix-like (tested on Linux, most likely Mac and Cygwin will work as well)

Complete install script:

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh # skip if rustup already installed
rustup install nightly # skip if nightly already installed
cargo install cargo-ndless


To create a debug version, run cargo +nightly ndless build. To create a production version, run cargo +nightly ndless build -- --release. Binaries will be in target/armv5te-nspire-eabi/(debug or release)/name.tns.

Warning: the output binaries will be slow and large without enabling release mode! Be sure to enable it before distributing binaries.

You may skip +nightly if you set nightly as your default compiler (rustup default nightly), or set a directory override.

Additional Binary Options

In your Cargo.toml, the following options can be added:

name = "Hello World"             # Name passed to genzehn
compress = true                  # Compress binary with genzehn
notice = "Message"               # Add notice "Message"
flags = "--240x320-support true" # Add additional flags to be passed to genzehn

These attributes can be seen when holding down the catalog key (book) when launching your application.

Additionally, the version and authors fields of your Cargo.toml are automatically added to the binary. Only the first digit of the version will be displayed, and multiple authors are joined together with a space.

Make your own app

This project is set up using Cargo workspaces, which is not ideal for single-application setups. Instead, simply copy any of the directories into its own repository and write code there. Alternatively, install cargo-generate with cargo install cargo-generate and run cargo generate --git https://github.com/lights0123/nspire-rust-template.git for a fully configured template.