A GitHub action to add labels to Pull Request based on matched file patterns
- adamsimmsMontreal
- alexquintinoTeam Lead Dev @Lightspeed
- alqh
- barakshechter
- bpaperman
- brunocriadoLightspeed HQ
- chrisdivinaLightspeed Commerce
- damshawSydney
- derwin
- dinksSelf
- GhostavioElsevier
- gvelkov
- jeckhartHealthVerity
- jeremypele@vascohq
- jhcloos
- kevin-abiera
- ls-cyril-grossetLightspeed
- ls-jingbo-jin
- ls-rajan-rauniyar
- MauricioKruijerLeadSocial
- mholland231@lightspeedcommer
- mpviau
- murdoc-mosMontreal
- musha68kLightspeed
- njmcode@lightspeedhq
- onimisionipeLightspeed
- otremblayMontreal, QC, Canada
- renanrtLightspeed
- richardroweAuckland, New Zealand
- rothlis@vascohq
- rwickettLightspeed
- scottkern
- smithtopherShopKeep
- tejbirwasonBay Area
- VincentCohen@lightspeedhq
- xdrdakMontreal, Canada