
Welcome to the Marketing Frontend Technical Assessment Challenge


Duration: ~3hours

Description: Using the following endpoint, create a module, based on the attached wireframe.

General Note: This assessment will take into consideration your code efficiency and readability, the creativity of the overall submission, and your ability to describe clearly your work.

wireframe Wireframe

Challenge Rules

  1. You can use any build tools, library, or framework that you desire, or you can use plain vanilla Javascript, CSS, and HTML.
  2. The data has to be used via the provided API endpoint, it should be fetched dynamically, it should not be hardcoded.
  3. The wireframe is meant to be used as a guide. You can use the same layout, but you should come out with your own styling/functionality.
  4. The layout should be responsive.
  5. The video from the API should be used. The .webm format, the .mp4 format, and the poster image, should be used.
  6. The video should animate properly. The video controls should not show, it should autoplay on loop.
  7. Your module should respect semantic HTML, UX best practices, accessibility best practices, and most importantly it should be error-free.
  8. Feel free to come up with your own file system structure.

Submission Rules

  1. Create a public repository on your own Github (or any Git management service) account.
  2. The repository name should respect the following naming convention <adjective related to light>-<color related to speed>-<your favorite animal> (eg: bright-red-panda)
  3. Push your change to the main branch.
  4. Your submission should contain a README file that contains:
    1. Brief explanation of your approach.
    2. Detailed step-by-step explanation about how to preview you work or run your app.
    3. Any other notes, comments, concerns.
  5. Send back an email containing the link to your repo.

Good luck!