
A collection of polarization-based models in computer vision, including shape from polarization, polarization-based reflection removal.


A collection of polarization-based models in computer vision, including shape from polarization, polarization-based reflection removal.

A curated set of papers along with code.

  • NeRSP: Neural 3D Reconstruction for Reflective Objects with Sparse Polarized Images, (2024), CVPR, [pdf][code].
  • NeISF: Neural Incident Stokes Field for Geometry and Material Estimation, (2024), CVPR, [pdf][code].
  • Spectral and Polarization Vision: Spectro-polarimetric Real-world Dataset, (2024), CVPR, [pdf].
  • Polarization Wavefront Lidars: Learning to Recover Large-Scale Scene Information from Polarized Wavefronts, (2024), CVPR, [pdf].
  • Robust Depth Enhancement via Polarization Prompt Fusion Tuning, (2024), CVPR, [pdf].
  • High-Res Facial Appearance Capture from Polarized Smartphone Images, (2023), CVPR, [pdf].
  • Sparse ellipsometry: portable acquisition of polarimetric SVBRDF and shape with unstructured flash photography, (2022), SIGGRAPH, [pdf] [code].
  • Perspective Phase Angle Model for Polarimetric 3D Reconstruction, (2022), ECCV, [pdf].
  • Shape from Polarization for Complex Scenes in the Wild, (2022), CVPR, code.
  • PANDORA: Polarization-Aided Neural Decomposition Of Radiance, (2022), [[pdf]](PANDORA: Polarization-Aided Neural Decomposition Of Radiance).
  • Transparent Shape from Single Polarization Images, (2022), [pdf].
  • Polarimetric Helmholtz Stereopsis, (2021), ICCV.
  • Polarimetric Normal Stereo, (2021), CVPR.
  • Shape from Sky: Polarimetric Normal Recovery Under The Sky, (2021), CVPR.
  • Deep Polarization Imaging for 3D Shape and SVBRDF Acquisition, (2021), CVPR.
  • Polarimetric Monocular Dense Mapping Using Relative Deep Depth Prior, (2021), RAL.
  • P2D: a self-supervised method for depth estimation from polarimetry, (2020), paper, dataset
  • Deep Shape from Polarization, (2020), Yunhao Ba, Alex Ross Gilbert, Franklin Wang, Jinfa Yang, Rui Chen, Yiqin Wang, Lei Yan, Boxin Shi, Achuta Kadambi. [pdf] [website], dataset
  • Depth from a polarisation + RGB stereo pair, (2019), Zhu, Dizhong and Smith, William AP. [pdf] [code]
  • Mirror Surface Reconstruction Using Polarization Field, (2019), ICIP
  • Polarimetric Relative Pose Estimation, (2019), Cui et al.
  • Polarimetric Monocular Dense SLAM, (2018), Yang et al. [video]
  • Shape-from-polarisation: a nonlinear least squares approach, (2017), [pdf] [code].
  • Depth from stereo polarization in specular scenes for urban robotics, (2017)
  • Polarisation photometric stereo, (2017)
  • Polarimetric three-view geometry, (2018)
  • Polarimetric multi-view stereo, (2017)
  • Shape and light directions from shading and polarization, (2015)
  • Polarized 3d: High-quality depth sensing with polarization cues, (2015)
  • Direct method for shape recovery from polarization and shading, (2012)
  • Shape and refractive index recovery from single-view polarisation images, (2010)
  • Shape estimation using polarization and shading from two views, (2007)
  • What is the range of surface reconstructions from a gradient field, (2006)
  • Recovery of surface orientation from diffuse polarization, (2006)
  • Polarization imaging applied to 3D reconstruction of specular metallic surfaces, (2005)
  • Transparent surface modeling from a pair of polarization images, (2004)
  • Polarization-based inverse rendering from a single view, (2003)
  • Separating reflections and lighting using independent components analysis, (1999)
  • Polarization guided HDR reconstruction via pixel-wise depolarization, (2023), TIP
  • Polarization-aware low-light image enhancement, (2023), AAAI
  • Learning to dehaze with polarization, (2021), NeurIPS
  • Polarized Reflection Removal with Perfect Alignment in the Wild, (2020), Chenyang Lei, Xuhua Huang, Mengdi Zhang, Qiong Yan, Wenxiu Sun, and Qifeng Chen. [pdf] [code], CVPR. dataset
  • Reflection separation using a pair of unpolarized and polarized images, (2019)
  • Image dehazing using polarization effects of objects and airlight, (2014)
  • A physically-based approach to reflection separation: from physical modeling to constrained optimization, (2013)
  • Clear underwater vision, (2004)
  • Glass Segmentation using Intensity and Spectral Polarization Cues, (2022), CVPR, [pdf] [code].
  • Multimodal Material Segmentation, (2022), CVPR, [pdf] [code].
  • Deep Snapshot HDR Reconstruction Based on the Polarization Camera, (2021), ICIP, [pdf].
  • Deep Polarization Cues for Transparent Object Segmentation, (2020), dataset
  • HDR Reconstruction Based on the Polarization Camera, (2020)
  • A New Multimodal RGB and Polarimetric Image Dataset for Road Scenes Analysis, (2020), dataset
  • Outdoor Scenes Pixel-wise Semantic Segmentation using Polarimetry and Fully Convolutional Network, (2019), datast
  • Road scenes analysis in adverse weather conditions bypolarization-encoded images and adapted deep learning, (2019)
  • Adapted learning for polarization-based car detection, (2019)
  • Polarized Optical-Flow Gyroscope, (2020), ECCV
  • Monochrome and color polarization demosaicking using edge-aware residual interpolation, (2020)
  • Face Anti-Spoofing by Learning Polarization Cues in a Real-World Scenario, (2020)
  • Survey of demosaicking methods for polarization filter array images, (2018)
  • Simultaneous acquisition of polarimetric SVBRDF and normals., (2018)
  • Polarization imaging reflectometry in the wild, (2017)
  • Enhanced material classification using turbulence-degraded polarimetric imagery, (2010)
  • Polarization phase-based method for material classification in computer vision, (1998)


Lecture Videos




  • Boxin Shi
  • Seung-Hwan Baek
  • Felix Heide
  • Actual Kadambi
  • Zhaopeng Cui
  • Chenyang Lei
