Tweets for @CRIU and @ProcessHauler projects. Twisource client used.
Everyone can propose a tweets for our Twitter accounts. Follow these steps:
- Edit file with tweets
- Make a pull request with your changes
- max length of each tweet is 140 symbols
- the best time to tweet is 19:00-21:00 MSK
- available accounts are __criu__ and ProcessHauler
- tweets in list should be sorted by date (for the convenience)
- main language of tweets is English
- 'RT tweet_id' will produce retweet
- mention other projects in tweets or use tags (#Virtuozzo, #KVM etc) for projects wo accounts
- use tags for upcoming events (like #OSday, #OpenStackSummit, #StayTuned etc)
- we use time in MSK timezone (Europe/Moscow)
- use categories: Call for testing, TRD
- prepend tweets with video and slides with "VIDEO:" and "SLIDES:" respectively
- add web links with UTM tags using ohmystats or Google services
- tweets with tag #fb will be posted to OpenVZ page in Facebook page as well