Get the battery usage of all your devices on your Mac and put them on the Dock / Menu Bar / Widget! && 在Mac上获取你所有设备的电量信息并显示在Dock / 状态栏 / 小组件上!
- 0
AirPods 可以自定义分开显示电量
#116 opened by DeeChael - 1
Any plans to support Android phones?
#77 opened by bowencool - 1
VirusTotal report
#114 opened by dalisoft - 0
Apple Watch Battery Not Displaying in Widget
#115 opened by pranayesse - 0
magic trackpad 没有充电显示充电图标
#113 opened by NekoSosu - 0
Feature Request: See Battery of other macOS devices
#112 opened by dstyp - 0
App keeps crashing after a while
#111 opened by nicksak - 1
一直弹窗有 iphone 连接到此设备
#110 opened by WeakX - 0
Duplicated Device: Magic Keyboard 2
#109 opened by IlIllIl - 0
Feature Request: MAC Address
#108 opened by IlIllIl - 0
List Compatible Devices in
#107 opened by IlIllIl - 0
罗技 MX Anywhere 3 电量显示为3个异常图标
#106 opened by woshiniming007 - 0
- 1
"Reload all widget" button not working
#104 opened by ilMagnifico - 1
- 0
- 0
widget issue
#102 opened by sebbe2704 - 0
#101 opened by MiaoMint - 0
- 5
cant get watch to connect
#79 opened by JDO203 - 14
#71 opened by shuifa - 0
App prevent display to go to sleep
#98 opened by mmtka - 1
- 2
我的Apple Watch和apple pencil无法显示
#95 opened by auzn0302 - 3
Icon issue with two screens
#92 opened by antoinemoussy - 2
Widget Not Refreshing
#96 opened by froyo4u - 8
bose 音箱的没有图标
#94 opened by JuniorPan - 6
M1 Air 15.0.1 在办公室就开始和同事的iPhone不停的弹验证码
#89 opened by OtaMegane - 1
罗技 MX Master 3S电量显示为两个重复图标
#93 opened by Tomieeee - 2
#83 opened by jiaoting - 1
重新启动软件APP后无法显示iPad电量/Bose QC45连接后不显示电量
#91 opened by lcneyc - 2
Subscribe libidmobiledevice event to update idevice battry using libimobiledevice
#90 opened by fuyu0425 - 5
- 1
- 1
Single Device Widget Problem
#75 opened by chris-0111 - 4
- 2
- 1
- 1
Not receiving notification
#78 opened by ilMagnifico - 2
Widget color
#86 opened by Alrazzouq - 0
Apple TV遥控器电量
#85 opened by raafaafaa - 2
- 1
ver.1.48 do not know at MagicTrackPad(1st.)
#81 opened by Chamiu - 0
- 0
- 0
The battery data is not accurate
#76 opened by shawnqf - 4
Sony WH-1000XM4 is not showing up in widget
#74 opened by Ender-Wang - 2
#72 opened by JuniorPan - 2
Separate AirPods show wrong icon
#69 opened by ismslv - 1
AirPods do not merge
#70 opened by ismslv