
This is a project I did during the internship in IBM Research Tokyo. I used a CNN framework to estimate the human pairwise relation based on the humans location and head/face direction features. With using the estimation of the pairwise matrix calculated by the Pair-Net, using a customized spectral clustering to cluster the humans into different groups.

Primary LanguagePython

Multi grouping people in images

Environment installation

  1. Create conda

    conda create -n venv pip python=3.5  # select python version, here I use 3.5
  2. Install mxnet.

    pip install requests==2.18.4
    pip install mxnet-cu90
  3. Install tensorflow and keras. I use the keras/tensorflow implement of yolo to do the head detection. if there is enough time it is better to use a mxnet version of yolo.

    pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/gpu/tensorflow_gpu-1.9.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
    pip install keras
  4. Python packages might missing: cython, opencv-python, scikit-learn, imgaug, pickle,h5py, PyYAML,tqdm. By using the requirements.txt or just use 'pip' to install is ok

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    be careful that the version of scikit-learn should be 0.19.0, or it will cause problem while using k-means

Training/Testing Pair-net model and clustering

  1. for the dataset:

  2. for the pretrained model of resnet is under:

  3. running the Training of the Pair-Net

    python train_resnet.py

    A cache folder would be created automatically to save the dataset loading file soa_2018_trainval_roidb.pkl under data/cache/.

    for head detection: Now there is still a problem that because I use the keras version of yolo, so the head detection can not be run with the Pair-Net at the same time, which will cause some cudnn memory problems. so I will firstly do the head detection on the dataset and save the detecting result roi_head.pkl under the data/cache/.

    for the yolo model using for head detection, make sure the model file is under:


    The Pair-Net model will be saved under the model/ after every epoch.

    the training logtrain_log_XX.log will be automatically saved under the ./output/

  4. running the Testing of the Pair-Net and clustering

    python test_resnet.py

    the same as training process, it will create testset pkl file and testset head detection file under the data/cache/.

    put the test model under:


    for group clustering, please check the clustering parameter in the test_resnet.py:

    do_cluster = True                 #whether do clustering
    given_cluster_num = True          #whether given cluster number
    cut_matrix_threshold = 0.45       #if using pairwise matrix cut, set a threshold between (0,1) ,if not using please set threshold=0.
    vis = True                        #whether visualize the cluster result

    the pairwise relation prediction result logresult_log_XX.log will be automatically saved under the ./output/

    if doing the cluster and choose visualize the cluster result will be automatically saved under the ./cluster_result/

  5. Please find more details of the parameter setting in the code.