
The goal of this project is to implement the back-end for a inventory tracking web. The back-end is implement using Spring Boot, a Java back-end framework, and MySQL database. The back-end supports five functionalities,shown below, by exposing the RESTful APIs for each of function to the front-end.

  • Creating a inventory
  • Removing a inventory
  • Edit a inventory
  • Show all inventories
  • Export all inventories as CSV file

Recommend setting

In order to run this project propriety, following are the recommended setting for your computer

  • Java version: 17.0.1 or above
  • VS Code version: 1.63 or above
  • MySQL version: 8.0.20
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Extenstion for VS Code: Spring Boot Dashboard, Project Manager for Java, Maven for Java, Language Support for Java, and REST client.

Run the project

  • Step1. Import the spring boot project to your VS Code. You may refer the link to see how to import the project to VS Code and run it.
  • Step2. Import the SQL database to your MySQL workbench. You may refer the link to see the details how to import the SQL database to your MySQL Workbench
  • Step3. Open the project and find the file under the resource folder. Then, change the user name and password corresponding to the setting in your system.(i.e, user name and password for your MySQL server)Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6 17 35 PM


  • Now you may go to the sample.http file under the project folder and check each functionality of the back-end by clicking the send request on top of each RESTful APIs.Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6 27 02 PM