
EsViT: Efficient self-supervised Vision Transformers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Efficient Self-Supervised Vision Transformers (EsViT)


[Paper] [Slides]

PyTorch implementation for EsViT (accepted in ICLR, 2022), built with two techniques:

  • A multi-stage Transformer architecture. Three multi-stage Transformer variants are implemented under the folder models.
  • A non-contrastive region-level matching pre-train task. The region-level matching task is implemented in function DDINOLoss(nn.Module) (Line 648) in main_esvit.py. Please use --use_dense_prediction True, otherwise only the view-level task is used.
Efficiency vs accuracy comparison under the linear classification protocol on ImageNet with EsViT
Figure: Efficiency vs accuracy comparison under the linear classification protocol on ImageNet. Left: Throughput of all SoTA SSL vision systems, circle sizes indicates model parameter counts; Right: performance over varied parameter counts for models with moderate (throughout/#parameters) ratio. Please refer Section 4.1 for details.


$\qquad$ [Workshop] $\qquad$ [IC Challenge] $\qquad$ [OD Challenge]

Pretrained models

You can download the full checkpoint (trained with both view-level and region-level tasks, batch size=512 and ImageNet-1K.), which contains backbone and projection head weights for both student and teacher networks.

  • EsViT (Swin) with network configurations of increased model capacities, pre-trained with both view-level and region-level tasks. ResNet-50 trained with both tasks is shown as a reference.
arch params tasks linear k-nn download logs
ResNet-50 23M V+R 75.7% 71.3% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-T, W=7) 28M V+R 78.0% 75.7% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-S, W=7) 49M V+R 79.5% 77.7% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-B, W=7) 87M V+R 80.4% 78.9% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-T, W=14) 28M V+R 78.7% 77.0% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-S, W=14) 49M V+R 80.8% 79.1% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-B, W=14) 87M V+R 81.3% 79.3% full ckpt train linear knn
  • EsViT with view-level task only
arch params tasks linear k-nn download logs
ResNet-50 23M V 75.0% 69.1% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-T, W=7) 28M V 77.0% 74.2% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-S, W=7) 49M V 79.2% 76.9% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (Swin-B, W=7) 87M V 79.6% 77.7% full ckpt train linear knn
  • EsViT (Swin-T, W=7) with different pre-train datasets (view-level task only)
arch params batch size pre-train dataset linear k-nn download logs
EsViT 28M 1024 ImageNet-1K 77.1% 73.7% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT 28M 1024 WebVision-v1 75.4% 69.4% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT 28M 1024 OpenImages-v4 69.6% 60.3% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT 28M 1024 ImageNet-22K 73.5% 66.1% full ckpt train linear knn
  • EsViT with more multi-stage vision Transformer architectures, pre-trained with View-level and Region-level tasks.
arch params pre-train task linear k-nn download logs
EsViT (ViL, W=7) 28M V 77.3% 73.9% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (ViL, W=7) 28M V+R 77.5% 74.5% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (CvT, W=7) 29M V 77.6% 74.8% full ckpt train linear knn
EsViT (CvT, W=7) 29M V+R 78.5% 76.7% full ckpt train linear knn


One-node training

To train on 1 node with 16 GPUs for Swin-T model size:


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 main_esvit.py --arch swin_tiny --data_path $DATA_PATH/train --output_dir $OUT_PATH --batch_size_per_gpu 32 --epochs 300 --teacher_temp 0.07 --warmup_epochs 10 --warmup_teacher_temp_epochs 30 --norm_last_layer false --use_dense_prediction True --cfg experiments/imagenet/swin/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml 

The main training script is main_esvit.py and conducts the training loop, taking the following options (among others) as arguments:

  • --use_dense_prediction: whether or not to use the region matching task in pre-training
  • --arch: switch between different sparse self-attention in the multi-stage Transformer architecture. Example architecture choices for EsViT training include [swin_tiny, swin_small, swin_base, swin_large,cvt_tiny, vil_2262]. The configuration files should be adjusted accrodingly, we provide example below. One may specify the network configuration by editing the YAML file under experiments/imagenet/*/*.yaml. The default window size=7; To consider a multi-stage architecture with window size=14, please choose yaml files with window14 in filenames.

To train on 1 node with 16 GPUs for Convolutional vision Transformer (CvT) models:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 main_evsit.py --arch cvt_tiny --data_path $DATA_PATH/train --output_dir $OUT_PATH --batch_size_per_gpu 32 --epochs 300 --teacher_temp 0.07 --warmup_epochs 10 --warmup_teacher_temp_epochs 30 --norm_last_layer false --use_dense_prediction True --aug-opt dino_aug --cfg experiments/imagenet/cvt_v4/s1.yaml

To train on 1 node with 16 GPUs for Vision Longformer (ViL) models:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 main_evsit.py --arch vil_2262 --data_path $DATA_PATH/train --output_dir $OUT_PATH --batch_size_per_gpu 32 --epochs 300 --teacher_temp 0.07 --warmup_epochs 10 --warmup_teacher_temp_epochs 30 --norm_last_layer false --use_dense_prediction True --aug-opt dino_aug --cfg experiments/imagenet/vil/vil_small/base.yaml MODEL.SPEC.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n2,s1,g1,p4,f7,a0_l2,h6,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f7,a0_l3,h12,d384,n6,s0,g1,p2,f7,a0_l4,h24,d768,n2,s0,g0,p2,f7,a0' MODEL.SPEC.MSVIT.MODE 1 MODEL.SPEC.MSVIT.VIL_MODE_SWITCH 0.75

Multi-node training

To train on 2 nodes with 16 GPUs each (total 32 GPUs) for Swin-Small model size:

python main_evsit_mnodes.py --num_nodes 2 --num_gpus_per_node 16 --data_path $DATA_PATH/train --output_dir $OUT_PATH/continued_from0200_dense --batch_size_per_gpu 16 --arch swin_small --zip_mode True --epochs 300 --teacher_temp 0.07 --warmup_epochs 10 --warmup_teacher_temp_epochs 30 --norm_last_layer false --cfg experiments/imagenet/swin/swin_small_patch4_window14_224.yaml --use_dense_prediction True --pretrained_weights_ckpt $OUT_PATH/checkpoint0200.pth


k-NN and Linear classification on ImageNet

To train a supervised linear classifier on frozen weights on a single node with 4 gpus, run eval_linear.py. To train a k-NN classifier on frozen weights on a single node with 4 gpus, run eval_knn.py. Please specify --arch, --cfg and --pretrained_weights to choose a pre-trained checkpoint. If you want to evaluate the last checkpoint of EsViT with Swin-T, you can run for example:



python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 eval_linear.py --data_path $DATA_PATH --output_dir $OUT_PATH/lincls/epoch0300 --pretrained_weights $CKPT_PATH --checkpoint_key teacher --batch_size_per_gpu 256 --arch swin_tiny --cfg experiments/imagenet/swin/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --n_last_blocks 4 --num_labels 1000 MODEL.NUM_CLASSES 0

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 eval_knn.py --data_path $DATA_PATH --dump_features $OUT_PATH/features/epoch0300 --pretrained_weights $CKPT_PATH --checkpoint_key teacher --batch_size_per_gpu 256 --arch swin_tiny --cfg experiments/imagenet/swin/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml MODEL.NUM_CLASSES 0

Analysis/Visualization of correspondence and attention maps

You can analyze the learned models by running python run_analysis.py. One example to analyze EsViT (Swin-T) is shown.

For an invidiual image (with path --image_path $IMG_PATH), we visualize the attention maps and correspondence of the last layer:

python run_analysis.py --arch swin_tiny --image_path $IMG_PATH --output_dir $OUT_PATH --pretrained_weights $CKPT_PATH --learning ssl --seed $SEED --cfg experiments/imagenet/swin/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --vis_attention True --vis_correspondence True MODEL.NUM_CLASSES 0 

For an image dataset (with path --data_path $DATA_PATH), we quantatively measure the correspondence:

python run_analysis.py --arch swin_tiny --data_path $DATA_PATH --output_dir $OUT_PATH --pretrained_weights $CKPT_PATH --learning ssl --seed $SEED --cfg experiments/imagenet/swin/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml  --measure_correspondence True MODEL.NUM_CLASSES 0 

For more examples, please see scripts/scripts_local/run_analysis.sh.


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  title={Efficient Self-supervised Vision Transformers for Representation Learning},
  author={Li, Chunyuan and Yang, Jianwei and Zhang, Pengchuan and Gao, Mei and Xiao, Bin and Dai, Xiyang and Yuan, Lu and Gao, Jianfeng},
  journal={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},

Related Projects/Codebase

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Our implementation is built partly upon packages: [Dino] [Timm]


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