1. Use proper indentation.

\begin{frame}[t]{Functions} \vspace{4pt}

    \begin{block}{Definition of a Function}
        A function is a rule that assign to each element $x$ in a set $D$ exactly one element, called $f(x)$, in a set $E$.
    \end{block} \vspace{10pt}

  1. Give horizontal linebreak for nested command and if else like control flow.

Set $D$ is called the \only<1>{\line(1,0){50}}
                      \, of the function.\\[10pt]

Set $E$ is called the \only<1>{\line(1,0){50}}
                      \, of the function.
  1. Keep column in different indented block so that different columns can be differentiated

    $\sqrt{x^2} = $ \vspace{10pt}
        \item $x$
        \item $-x$
        \item $|x|$
        \item undefined
                                                                -x, & x<0\\
                                                                x,  & x\geq 0
  1. Do not use extension of filename to reduce characers taken and increase readability.

  1. Keep images in separate directory like Images. If we use \graphicspath{{./Images/}}, we need not to specify full image address in \includegraphics.

  1. For bibliography, maintain bibliography database file

  1. Use proper identifiable, readable, recallable name for citation entry

  title={Multiplex Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network},
  author={Yu, Pengyang and Fu, Chaofan and Yu, Yanwei and Huang, Chao and Zhao, Zhongying and Dong, Junyu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
  1. s### We can structure a latex project like following way. Main project is segregated in different parts. The parts are then included in main.tex file.
│   ├───image1.png
│   └───image2.png

