decouple changelog generator and semver generator into 2 separate independent packages
cordoval opened this issue · 7 comments
i want to use these at Gush. We are tracking the latest releases not on the repo but on github so we need to use this but wihout being intrusive inside our repo files.
I'm not sure I get your point. Currently the process is already decoupled. You have "generator" responsible to guess the next version number and "persister" to read/write version number. You should be able to implement to write down a GithubPersister. Is it that you wanna do?
hmm, not sure.
But initially i thought about reusing only a rather small liip/generator-semver package that i can require to use within my commands in Gush so I can save just push tags (release) the next version of software. We have a create release command also, this can also use the same generator-semver to do the job. My idea is not to require the whole RMT package because it is too intrusive if we want to make it acceptable for all repos without having to undergo changes.
OK, so you should better go with something like: or
oh i see, and the same for the changelog generator?
Changelog reader/writer could be separated from the project, true. But as currently it's pretty basic it won't be a nice package to be used standalone...
ok thanks @jeanmonod now i will turn to implement on Gush
OK, and you did it as a separate lib (the changelog management), I will be happy to integrate back to RMT ;)