- 3
- 5
- 5
PHP 8.2 deprecations
#173 opened by evs-xsarus - 2
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question::getAutocompleterCallback()
#153 opened by ragusa87 - 6
Error preventing release a new update
#166 opened by mateuslecchi - 0
- 3
More than one update-version-class action?
#67 opened by lukey78 - 0
- 2
sensiolabs/security-checker is abandoned
#162 opened by lukey78 - 0
Deprecated: Implode() with PHP >= 7.4
#157 opened by RSickenberg - 3
Variables in post-release-action
#120 opened by icodealone - 1
- 1
How to increase command timeout
#144 opened by core23 - 5
Abort tagging
#143 opened by core23 - 4
Generate markdown-compatible changelog?
#138 opened by jfcherng - 2
DialogHelper is deprecated
#98 opened by jeanmonod - 2
Release a new version
#135 opened by nicwortel - 0
Generalise the timeout parameter in actions
#133 opened by oscherler - 5
VCS commit should allow selecting files
#128 opened by OdyX - 2
Release a new version of RMT
#119 opened by nicwortel - 0
- 2
Execute bash command before phpunit
#114 opened by nicosomb - 4
- 3
Check origin prior to release
#108 opened by gnat42 - 0
- 2
"name" Action option gets filtered out
#96 opened by ralf57 - 8
- 4
Using RMT with Mercurial and Simple version generation is broken when Mercurial version > 3
#77 opened by krtek4 - 1
Global installation
#90 opened by acrobat - 0
Create a new ScriptAction
#50 opened by jeanmonod - 0
Implementation of a dry-run general option
#84 opened by jeanmonod - 0
- 4
Error "you must provide a [name] value"
#68 opened by sebastien-roch - 2
Generating git changelog without merges lines.
#80 opened by ahilles107 - 2
- 9
Add support for -alpha, -beta, -RC version tags
#71 opened by acrobat - 2
Use update-version-class with yaml files
#72 opened by acrobat - 11
Standalone as Phar
#69 opened by kingcrunch - 0
Create a rollback command
#64 opened by jeanmonod - 1
- 7
decouple changelog generator and semver generator into 2 separate independent packages
#63 opened by cordoval - 0
- 1
Windows shell doesn't have chmod command
#61 opened by ste93cry - 3
Configuration simplification
#56 opened by jeanmonod - 0
Add a LICENSE file
#52 opened by jeanmonod - 1
What about using webcreate/vcs
#55 opened by jeanmonod - 4
- 0
Create a new PhpUnitAction
#51 opened by jeanmonod - 0
Better YML config
#54 opened by jeanmonod - 0
RMT tries to push to empty remote
#53 opened by sephii