diego domenzain 2020
🏠 All small projects that need a place to live but are not part of a large project, live here.
- Go to
to see nice pictures (link). - Go to
to run projects.
If running Matlab projects, please set paths first by running the script:
- Gedanken of joint inversion
- Gravity inversion
- Cross-gradient inversion
- Logistic regression
- Snow slip
- Dense circle packing
- Markowitz portfolio
- Decision trees & Random forests
- Bayesian optimization
Dimensionality reduction
- Self-organizing maps
- t-SNE
Graph theory algorithms
- Spanning trees
- Dijkstra algorithm
- Mesher
Partial differential equations
Squeezing and expanding matrices
- Compressed sensing
- Matrix completion
- Pixelating pics (for face-recognition-free profile pics)
- Haar wavelet compression
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Big Mat (pass-by-reference in Matlab)
Wave processing
- Hyperbolic and linear semblance
- Beamforming (to find direction of signal)
- Seismic beachball
Cloud computing
- Slurm
- OpenMP
- Plot output from C
- Plot output from Fortran
- Plot output from Julia
- Fortran in Matlab
Deep learning
- pic2pic. Smooth to rough squares
Some are written in Matlab, some in C, some in Fortran, some in Julia, some use Python packages.
Some were written by me, some I found in books (as exercises), some are a collage of stuff taken from the internet. Most are proof of concept by example.
Not all are perfect but they all work. They are toy examples.