

Primary LanguageJava

Description: Language: JAVA 1.8 or any later version-------- UI: Java Swing ( This is a embedded package inside jdk, you dont have to download extra things)

  1. open cmd and use following command to download the project( if you do not have git, install one)--- Command: git clone https://github.com/lijie8778708/final-project2.git

  2. open a new cmd and use cd command to enter project folder.

  3. compile server file by using following command--- Command: javac Server.java

  4. execute server file by using following command--- Command: java Server

  5. Open another new cmd and use cd command to enter the client folder under project foler

  6. compile client file by using following command--- Command: javac Client.java

  7. execute client file by using following command--- Command: java Client

  8. Scroll your mouse down if there is nothing shows up

Hint!!! I use java swing to write the UI, and It is not very fast. If you uploaded your file and and the window did not refresh. scroll your mouse up and down on the window and it should be pop out. If it still not showing list correctly, Please relaunch the client program!!

Also! If you click upload file button and it does not give your response. Just click multiple times, its just lagging.