Cycle-consistent Conditional Adversarial Transfer Networks, ACM MM 2019

Primary LanguagePython


Cycle-consistent Conditional Adversarial Domain Adaptation Networks, ACM MM 2019

Source codes for "Cycle-consistent Conditional Adversarial Transfer Networks" published on ACM Multmedia 2019. The paper can be found at https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.07618

You can directely run the .sh files to get the results.

If you find this repository is helpful, please cite the following work:

title={Cycle-consistent Conditional Adversarial Transfer Networks},
author={Li, Jingjing and Chen, Erpeng and Ding, Zhengming and Zhu, Lei and and Lu, Ke and Huang, Zi},
booktitle={ACM MM},


Some parts of this project are inspired from CDAN.