Official code of "EVF-SAM: Early Vision-Language Fusion for Text-Prompted Segment Anything Model"

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Early Vision-Language Fusion for Text-Prompted Segment Anything Model

Yuxuan Zhang1,*, Tianheng Cheng1,*, Lei Liu2, Heng Liu2, Longjin Ran2, Xiaoxin Chen2, Wenyu Liu1, Xinggang Wang1,📧

1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2 vivo AI Lab

(* equal contribution, 📧 corresponding author)

arxiv paper 🤗 HuggingFace models 🤗 HuggingFace Demo


We have expanded our EVF-SAM to powerful SAM-2. Besides improvements on image prediction, our new model also performs well on video prediction (powered by SAM-2). Only at the expense of a simple image training process on RES datasets, we find our EVF-SAM has zero-shot video text-prompted capability. Try our code!


  • EVF-SAM extends SAM's capabilities with text-prompted segmentation, achieving high accuracy in Referring Expression Segmentation.
  • EVF-SAM is designed for efficient computation, enabling rapid inference in few seconds per image on a T4 GPU.


  • Release code
  • Release weights
  • Release demo 👉 🤗 HuggingFace Demo
  • Release code and weights based on SAM-2
  • Update demo supporting SAM-2


Input text Input image Output
"zebra top left"
"a pizza with a yellow sign on top of it"
"the broccoli closest to the ketchup bottle"
"bus going to south common"
"3carrots in center with ice and greenn leaves"


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install pytorch for your cuda version. Note that torch>=2.0.0 is needed if you are to use SAM-2, and torch>=2.2 is needed if you want to enable flash-attention. (We use torch==2.0.1 with CUDA 11.7 and it works fine.)
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. If you are to use the video prediction function, run:
cd model/segment_anything_2
python setup.py build_ext --inplace


Name SAM BEIT-3 Params Prompt Encoder & Mask Decoder Reference Score
EVF-SAM2 SAM-2-L BEIT-3-L 898M freeze 83.6
EVF-SAM SAM-H BEIT-3-L 1.32B train 83.7
EVF-Effi-SAM-L EfficientSAM-S BEIT-3-L 700M train 83.5
EVF-Effi-SAM-B EfficientSAM-T BEIT-3-B 232M train 80.0


1. image prediction

python inference.py  \
  --version <path to evf-sam> \
  --precision='fp16' \
  --vis_save_path "<path to your output direction>" \
  --model_type <"ori" or "effi" or "sam2", depending on your loaded ckpt>   \
  --image_path <path to your input image> \
  --prompt <customized text prompt>

--load_in_8bit and --load_in_4bit is optional
for example:

python inference.py  \
  --version evf-sam2 \
  --precision='fp16' \
  --vis_save_path "vis" \
  --model_type sam2   \
  --image_path "assets/zebra.jpg" \
  --prompt "zebra top left"

2. video prediction

firstly slice video into frames

ffmpeg -i <your_video>.mp4 -q:v 2 -start_number 0 <frame_dir>/'%05d.jpg'


python inference_video.py  \
  --version <path to evf-sam2> \
  --precision='fp16' \
  --vis_save_path "vis/" \
  --image_path <frame_dir>   \
  --prompt <customized text prompt>   \
  --model_type sam2

you can use frame2video.py to concat the predicted frames to a video.


image demo

python demo.py <path to evf-sam>

video demo

python demo_video.py <path to evf-sam2>

Data preparation

Referring segmentation datasets: refCOCO, refCOCO+, refCOCOg, refCLEF (saiapr_tc-12) and COCO2014train

├── dataset
│   ├── refer_seg
│   │   ├── images
│   │   |   ├── saiapr_tc-12 
│   │   |   └── mscoco
│   │   |       └── images
│   │   |           └── train2014
│   │   ├── refclef
│   │   ├── refcoco
│   │   ├── refcoco+
│   │   └── refcocog


torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node <num_gpus> eval.py   \
    --version <path to evf-sam> \
    --dataset_dir <path to your data root>   \
    --val_dataset "refcoco|unc|val" \
    --model_type <"ori" or "effi" or "sam2", depending on your loaded ckpt>


We borrow some codes from LISA, unilm, SAM, EfficientSAM, SAM-2.


      title={EVF-SAM: Early Vision-Language Fusion for Text-Prompted Segment Anything Model}, 
      author={Yuxuan Zhang and Tianheng Cheng and Rui Hu and Lei Liu and Heng Liu and Longjin Ran and Xiaoxin Chen and Wenyu Liu and Xinggang Wang},