📕 generator bookmark form the directory
You can quickly generate a directory page.
For example, there are many HTML pages in the folder, use bookmark build your index.html
, Then in gh-pages use it
yarn global add j-bookmark
// npm install j-bookmark -g
[bm | bookmark] <command>
├── test
│ └── a.html
└── test.html
bm -d /path/to/xx -o /page/to/xx -p /path
$ bm -d src
# output
<a href="src/test.html" target="_blank">1. test.html</a>
<a href="src/test/a.html" target="_blank">2. a.html</a>
$ bm -d src -p /prefix
# output
<a href="/prefix/test.html" target="_blank">1. test.html</a>
<a href="/prefix/test/a.html" target="_blank">2. a.html</a>
$ bm -d src --ignore **/test/**
# output
<a href="test.html" target="_blank">1. test.html</a>
$ bm -d src -o output.html
# output
├── output.html
├── test
│ └── a.html
└── test.html
-v, --version output the version number
-d --directory [value] entry directory (default: process.cwd())
-o --output [value] output directory (default: process.cwd() + index.html)
-p --publicPath [value] output public path (default: '')
-i --ignore [value] Add a pattern or an array of glob patterns to exclude matches (default: node_modules) //https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob#options
-h, --help output usage information
--disableAnimate Disable bookmark animate (default: false)
git clone https://github.com/lijinke666/bookmark.git
npm install | yarn
npm link
npm run test