This is the mio repository. /////////////////////// Libraries ///////////////////////////////// These are the mio libraries. -libstrophe This is the c strophe xmpp library which MIO uses. to build: cd [mio_path]/libs/c/libstrophe ./configure make su -c 'make install' -libc_strophe C MIO bindings to the c strophe library to build: cd [mio_path]/libs/c/libMIO make ///////////////////////// Adapter ////////////////////////////////////// Under the adapters directiory there is the adapters available for mio. These include. - Phillips Hue - Inscope Enfuse - Public Unitary Protocol (PUP) - BACnet/IP - ModbusRTU/ModbusTCP For instructions for building the individual drivers refer to the install.txt in the adapter directory ///////////////////////// Services ////////////////////////////////////// Respawn Quickset IPC Daemon ///////////////////////// Tools /////////////////////////////////////////// cmd-line These are command line interfaces to mio. build instructions: First build libstrophe and libc_strophe. cd ./tools/cmd-line/c/ make all See individual help commands for instructions on each utility's use. Python Python command line interface for MIO Fuse Plugin that makes MIO behave just like a file system. See directory for further instllation instructions.