
微信公众平台开发模式通用接口 PHP实现

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


is a PHP (>= 5.3) client library for the 微信公众平台开发模式通用接口API(Weixin)

Loading the library

Weixin relies on the autoloading features of PHP to load its files when needed and complies with the PSR-0 standard which makes it compatible with most PHP frameworks. Autoloading is handled automatically when dependencies are managed using Composer, but you can also leverage its own autoloader if you are going to use it in a project or script without any PSR-0 compliant autoloading facility:

// Prepend a base path if Weixin is not available in your "include_path".
require 'Weixin/Autoloader.php';


It is possible to easily create a phar archive from the repository just by launching bin/create-phar. The generated phar contains a stub defining an autoloader function for Weixin, so you just need to require the phar to start using the library. Alternatively, it is also possible to generate one single PHP file that holds every class like older versions of Weixin by launching bin/create-single-file, but this practice is not encouraged.


try {
	//$access_token = "RWRVPpT1O9SEyN615puzCOQ9uQfgQK0SA63gWUxNo2ABjgHFdnCL82BnFB_wQGeZH4prBLfn17Qz0WSwcwdLW6A2YvX1yN46dDB2-BggdXkqpM0AZXO4lfZ0LSC_5ABj8NxKLxJkqv565EBja32Gpw";
	//$client = new Weixin\WeixinClient($appid,$secret,$access_token);
	//如果之前没有获得过access_token,那么通过getAccessToken方法 获取access_token
	$client = new Weixin\WeixinClient($appid,$secret);
	$rst = $client->getAccessToken();
	$access_token = $rst['access_token'];
	echo $access_token;
	echo "<br/>";
	$client->getWeixinMsgManager()->getWeixinCustomMsgSender()->sendText($openid, "测试");
	$mediaId= "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
	$ret= $client->getWeixinMediaManager()->get($mediaId);
	$fileContent = base64_decode($ret['content']);
	$tmpfname = sys_get_temp_dir().'/'.uniqid().'.jpg';
	file_put_contents($tmpfname, $fileContent);
	$userinfo =$client->getWeixinUserManager()->getUserInfo($openid);
	echo "<br/>";
	$scene_id =1;
	$ticketInfo = $client->getWeixinQrcodeManager()->create($scene_id,false);
	echo "<br/>";

	$ticket = urlencode($ticketInfo['ticket']);
	$url = $client->getWeixinQrcodeManager()->getQrcodeUrl($ticket);
	echo $url;
	echo "<br/>";
} catch (Exception $e) {