
Mercury IP Camera Control Script for MIPC251C-4

Primary LanguagePython


install packages rsa and requests

pip install requests
pip install rsa
# or
python2 -m pip install requests
python2 -m pip install requests


python2 mipcc.py admin password url data
python2 mipcc.py admin password '{"method":"do","preset":{"goto_preset": {"id": "1"}}}'

Data Example

// add PTZ preset position 添加预置点

// PTZ to preset position 转动到预置点
{"method":"do","preset":{"goto_preset": {"id": "1"}}}

// PTZ by coord 按坐标转动

// PTZ horizontal by step 水平步进

// PTZ vertical by step 垂直步进

// stop PTZ 停止步进

//reset PTZ 云台重置

// lens mask 镜头遮蔽

// manual alarm 手动报警

// toggle green led 绿色led开关

//auto track moving obj 智能追踪 摄像机追随移动物体

//alarm if found moving obj 检测到移动物体时报警

//motion detection 移动侦测 与 侦测灵敏度

//enable record and plan 是否录制与录制计划

//reboot and timing reboot 重启与定时重启

//greetings 个性语音提示
//greeting volume 音量
//play greetings 播放语音
{"method":"do","greeter":{"test_audio":{"force":"1"}}} 播放默认语音
{"method":"do","greeter":{"test_audio":{"id":"4096","force":"1"}}} 播放指定语音
//0 无
//12288 你好
//4096-4104 依次为 你好欢迎光临 ..... 
//set enter or leave greetings 设置进入或离开语音

ref: http://blog.xiazhiri.com/Mercury-MIPC251C-4-Reverse.html