
Curl Wrapper Class for quicker coding and shorter code.

Primary LanguagePHP

Curl Wrapper Class

It isn't necessary to code longer anymore!


$curl = new Curl();


It is pretty simple to utilize this class, you just need to require it.



You can custom Initialize Default options when initializing.

When $this->reset() function have been called, all options will rollback to Initialize Default.

// Initialize without Initialize Default.
$curl = new Curl();

// Initialize with CURLOPT_URL option as Initialize Default.
$curl = new Curl("https://www.example.com");

// Initialize with multiple options as Initialize Default.
$curl = new Curl(array(
	"URL" => "https://www.example.com",

// Initialize using option from another Curl object as Initialize Default.
$new_curl = new Curl($curl);

You can reinitialize with new Initialize Default options by $this->init() function.

// Reinitialize without Initialize Default.

// Reinitialize with CURLOPT_URL option as Initialize Default.

// Reinitialize with multiple options as Initialize Default.
	"URL" => "https://www.example.com",

// Reinitialize using option from another Curl object as Initialize Default.

// Reinitialize using current option from itself as Initialize Default.

Set an option to Curl Handle

There are several ways to set an option, but they will work in the same way.

// Example for set "CURLOPT_URL" option.

$curl->URL = "https://www.example.com";
$curl->CURLOPT_URL = "https://www.example.com";

$curl->setopt("URL", "https://www.example.com/");
$curl->setopt("CURLOPT_URL", "https://www.example.com");
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, "https://www.example.com");


Set multiple options to Curl Handle

You can set multiple options on Curl Handle with $this->setopt_array() function.

// Example for set "CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT" and "CURLOPT_TIMEOUT" options.

	"TIMEOUT" => 60



Execute Curl Session

You can execute by $this->exec() function.

This function will return result from execution.

$result = $curl->exec();

After execute, you can use these variables.

$curl->errno; // Error Number (Int)
$curl->error; // Error Text (String)
$curl->result; // Result of Execution (String/Bool)
$curl->info; // Information (Array)

Get Information

You can get information from handle by $this->getinfo() function.

This function will return information as Array.

// Get all information from handle.
$info = $curl->getinfo();

// Get information with CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL option.
$info = $curl->getinfo("EFFECTIVE_URL");
$info = $curl->getinfo("CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL");
$info = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);

You can use $this->info variable to get all information after execute Curl Session.

Reset all options to Initialize Default

You can reset all options to Initialize Default by $this->reset() function.

// Initialize with Initialize Default options.
$curl = new Curl(array(
	"URL" => "https://www.example.com",
	"TIMEOUT" => 30

$curl->TIMEOUT(10); // Override CURLOPT_TIMEOUT to 10
$curl->exec(); // Execute with CURLOPT_TIMEOUT = 10

$curl->reset(); // Reset all options to Initialize Default.
$curl->exec(); // Execute with CURLOPT_TIMEOUT = 30

Other Curl functions

You can use other Curl functions by calling function on wrapper without "curl_" prefix.

If that function require Curl Handle, this wrapper will fill it for you.

// Example for curl_version()

// Example for curl_escape($ch, $str)

However, this wrapper doesn't support all "curl_multi" and "curl_share" functions yet.


  • This wrapper doesn't support all "curl_multi" and "curl_share" functions yet.
  • CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER will set to TRUE by default.
  • If cacert.pem file exists, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER will set to TRUE by default.
  • If cacert.pem file exists, CURLOPT_CAINFO will set to cacert.pem's realpath by default.