
Template project for assignments and exercises for the class MUSI6106

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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MUSI6106 2022: Audio Software Engineering

Template project for assignments and exercises for the class MUSI6106

Project Structure

|_ 3rdparty: (3rd party dependencies)
  |_ sndlib: sndfile library (3rdparty with ugly code and lots of warnings)
|_ cmake.modules: (cmake scripts)
|_ inc: global headers
|_ src: source code
  |_ AudioFileIO: library wrapping sndfile (3rdparty)
  |_ inc: internal headers
  |_ MUSI6106Exec: code for executable binary


The project files are generated through CMake. Using the latest CMake GUI,

  • point the source code directory to the top-level project directly, then
  • set the build directory to some directory you like (suggestion: sourcedir/bld),
  • hit 'Configure' button until nothing is red, then
  • 'Generate' the project and open it with your IDE.

On the command line, try from the sourcedir

cmake --build ./bld/ --config Debug