
The main task of the algorithm was to find the distances between the forecast map of the channels in the Middle Jurassic and the actual data on wells in which the facies of the channels was determined. To do this, the ascii grid was first read. Next, the coordinates of the wells were linked to the grid coordinates. After that, the algorithm found the channel closest to the well on the forecast map. The distances found represented statistical information, which was one of the indicators of the estimation of the predictive model. The project used Python and Numpy.

This module was made as part of the development of scientific work published in the journal: https://journal.gubkin.ru/journals/geology/2022/9/5-14/

Konnov V.N. Forecast of transition and accumulation zones of fragmental material on the example of the Tyumen formation // Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas felds. – 2022. – № 9(369). – Pp. 5–14. – DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-9(369)-5-14