
Adds new crafting tables of varying sizes to Minecraft

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

The Big Bench Theory


For setup instructions please see the fabric wiki page that relates to the IDE that you are using.

Current Features


  1. Tiny Crafting Table, a 1x1 crafting table.
  2. Greater Crafting Table, a 5x5 crafting table.
  3. Massive Crafting Table, a 7x7 crafting table.
  4. Ultimate Crafting Table, a 9x9 crafting table.


To use shaped recipes with a width or height greater than 3, they must be of the type "bigbenchtheory:crafting_shaped".

To use shapeless recipes with an ingredient list over 9, they must be of the type "bigbenchtheory:crafting_shapeless".

Note: Regular crafting recipes and "bigbenchtheory" recipes are interchangeable, but only in the tables this mod adds and vanilla. Most likely though, modded crafting tables will work too.


  1. Vanilla Recipe Book (Recipes in groups look weird)
  2. REI Integration, so recipes will show up correctly.
    • Currently, all modded recipes take up the space a 9x9 takes. This is subject to change.
  3. KubeJS Integration Examples
    • What kind of crafting table and recipe mod would this be without KubeJS?
  4. Full NBT Crafting Integration
    • Including support for dollars.
  5. Other Mods' Crafting Tables
    • Most modded crafting tables should work fine. Make an issue on the github if there's an incompatibility please.